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I am alone in the corner of the room,
Sitting with my head down,
Waiting for the day to end soon,
To not be tripped on the ground,
To escape the school.
I try to talk to talk to them,
But they push me away,
Every day is the same,
I am a freak, they say..
I try to change myself,
But it doesn't really help,
They target my heart,
With bullets made of words,
No one cares. They're all the same,
If i stand up, i get beaten again,
They hate my existence,
But i can't blame them,
I hate myself too,
just not as much as they do..
I don't understand,
I can't comprehend,
I can't get it in my mind,
What even is my crime,
Why i get treated this way
Why i can't fit in..
I walk into the class,
Only to get brutally harassed,
Every second, every year,
I can't shed any more tears,
I look out the door,
I can't take it anymore,
run away, a voice says,
In the back of my brain,
It screams again,
So i run away,
in the middle of the day,
As they watch me, mouth agape,
Standing on the cliff, the sun hits my face,
As i look out to the city with distate,
My memories blur, like a dream,
Nightmares crawl out, reminiscing,
I let my feelings seep,
Taking a final leap,
But a hand stops me just in time,
Before i could take my life
Before i could cease to be alive,
Someone saved me, but no one is there,
Could they just disappear?
An external force stopped me,
From falling in eternal sleep,
was it external, or my imagination,
Doesn't matter, for it gave me revelation,
A reason to go on, a new motivation,
Whether it be a fragmant of reality or vision

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