Chapter Two: Taken Away

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Allen was abruptly awoken with a kick to his stomach. He gasped and sat up, groaning in pain. He clutched his throbbing side, gasping again in pain as every breath felt like liquid fire. The albino felt a shift whenever he moved, and realized with horror that one of his ribs must've been broken.

"Get up, Noah. It's time for your trial." The guard snapped.

He tried his best to stand, struck with piercing pain every time he moved. Standing and walking out of that cell like nothing was wrong was utter hell for him. He had to monitor his breathing, so as to not cause any more pain. A whimper escaped his mouth when one of the guards grabbed his arms. His eyes teared up when they chained his hands together behind his back. The position was aggravating his wound to no end.

They made their way up a hall that he recognized. Allen's arm started to tingle as they continued, his pain momentarily forgotten. Already he could feel Crown Clown starting to heal the wound by the itch of his bones shifting. He had to stop for a moment as they re-set. The albino was shoved forwards after a couple seconds.

"Get moving. They'll murder us if we're late with the Noah."

"I'm not a Noah..." Allen muttered under his breath.

He yelled as he felt something sharp prod his back. "What was that?!"

"Nothing!" He said quickly. The guard scoffed but kept walking.

Soon, a large cavern came into view. There was a platform at the bottom, surrounded by darkness. They walked along the catwalk onto the platform, confirming what Allen suspected. The platform rose up until a glowing being came into view. Allen smiled at Hevlaska before it quickly disappeared. Lights flashed on, revealing bleacher-like stands surrounding hin, filled to the brim with apathetic people.

Allen let his eyes wander around, widening when he noticed a smaller section towards the top. He recognized those people. Lenalee, Kanda, Lavi, Marie, Miranda...They all looked frightened and confused, Kanda to a smaller extent. When Miranda and Allen's eyes met, he saw tears in her eyes. She made a 'What's going on?' motion with her arms. He responded with a helpless shrug.

"If I may have your attention."

He jumped at the voice, the room quieting. All of their attention was drawn to the five podiums that lit up, one higher than the rest. Allen saw the three generals on the podiums, one missing, looking as confused as everyone else. The last podium's figure was unrecognizable.

"We are here to oversee the trial of Noah Clan member Allen Walker-"

There was immediately an uproar. The generals were demanding an explanation, as well as Allen's friends. Everyone was in a chaos that overwhelmed Allen.


The room fell quiet once more.

"The verdict is not as unreasonable as one may think. Look at him, he even bears their mark!" The man on the last podium declared.

Allen felt everyone's eyes fall on him, whereupon whispers lit up like wildfire. He honestly had no idea what they were talking about. He couldn't see what they were looking at, and no one bothered to tell him. He looked over at his friends and felt his heart freeze. Lenalee and Lavi were in shock. Miranda had left the room, along with Marie. Chaoji looked oddly smug next to Lenalee. The only face he couldn't read was Kanda's.

He helplessly looked up at the generals, finding only one relatively kind face. Cross was glaring at the higher podium. When he noticed Allen looking at him, the albino recognized his determined expression. He felt a little relief in knowing that his master would help him out of this situation.

"Now hold on just a minute!" Cross snapped angrily. "Allen wouldn't-"

"Our verdict is final." The voice interrupted.

"What evidence do you have?" Klaud asked calmly, though Allen could see the panic and unease in her eyes.

"What more do we need? He bears that mark, he manipulates the Ark, which is one of the Noah Clan's creations. And then there is the matter of-"

Allen found some satisfaction in his fear-filled mind that the voice had been interrupted this time. He grinned a little, though hid it. However, if he'd known why, he never would've considered being so happy.

There was a bang behind Allen, all the way back towards the end of the catwalk. Muffled voices, some shouting, then a scream. Everyone in the room hushed. They were watching the catwalk with curiosity and unrest. Allen felt his blood run cold for some reason. His forehead tingled and his arm twitched. The Innocence within Hevlaska shivered, drawing her to pull away and hush the frightened pieces.

They heard the creak of the door open, followed by shuffling footsteps. A haunted, raspy voice murmured out,

"The Lord Millenium is searching for you...."

An airy breath, more shuffling. The thing was getting even closer, setting everyone further on edge.

"Looking for the heart now...have you heard the news..?" Continued shuffling.

Suddenly, everyone gasped as a shadowed figure stepped out. Allen felt bile rise in his throat at the figure's mangled body. It was obviously one of the Finder's, though it's face was destroyed beyond recognition. His face was bloody and torn, bone sticking out at odd places. His throat was hanging on his chest, bringing Allen dangerously close to throwing up. Somehow, the figure kept rasping on.

"I was not the one he sought...." Allen gasped as the figure's one good eye, half missing and rotted, darted over to him. "Maybe it is you..."

"Armies along he has brought...look out; he'll be here soon...."

Tired of the voice's cryptic words, one of the people in the stands shot the figure in the head. The man grinned at Allen as he stumbled sideways. With one last word he tumbled over the side and disappeared, never to breath again.


There were a few seconds of silence, before with an unseen cue, everyone started shouting and screaming. They were torn between screaming at Allen and preparing for the impending attack. The room was a flurry of motion, the man on the podium shouting along with them. Allen could see Cross launch himself out of his chair and thud down on the catwalk. Both master and apprentice reached for each other in desperation. Just as they touched, a hand grabbed Allen by his hair and yanked him back, eliciting a pained cry from the albino.

His hands were twisted behind his back, cuffed once more. He tried his hardest to break free and reach his master, who was being held back as well by the other generals. Allen's eyes widened, everything moving in slow motion as they dragged him back. For once, fear was evident in Cross's eyes. He reached out one more time, managing to brush against Allen's fingertips. Then, with one last glance, the door was shut between them, not to open again.



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