Earth federation solder and weapons

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so before we start i want to say some thing so some one ask can bullets stop storm troopers or clones

This is tricky. In the first battlefront remake there was a slugthrower called a cycler rifle. A headshot was a one hit kill and an anywhere else shot dropped 95 out of a hundred hit points.

The armor worn by stormtroopers and clone troopers in the Star Wars movies and TV shows is designed for protection against blaster fire and other forms of energy-based weapons. It is not designed to stop bullets. In the Star Wars universe, blaster fire is portrayed as being able to penetrate the armor, so it is unlikely that it would be able to stop bullets.

so i want to say yes and no but for this book it be yes they can

we also seen in halo bullet can take down machines as seen when fighting Enforcers witch are large robotic automatons designed by the Forerunners to prevent and suppress massive Flood outbreaks, such as the one that occurred on Delta Halo in 2552. They were only released when situations were dire.

so in this book yets bullets can hurt clone and droids and the UNSC ship guns will be the same but a few will have laser weapons to



here are the solder and Weapons that are used by the Earth Federation has and there solders

fist off the solders


spartan amour is advance and has all shorts  of gear attach to it and shields to

spartan amour is advance and has all shorts  of gear attach to it and shields to

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ODST aka Orbital drop shock troopers

like spartans they have shields

like spartans they have shields

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Marines also known as the mobile infantry

The Power Suit is a Powered armor utilized by the United Citizen Federation aka the marines A Power Suit consists two parts: the Inner Body Suit and the Powered Suit.

The Inner Suit is a "Muscle suit" which provides the trooper with extra muscle power. The suit is worn inside the Powered Suit.

The Main Powered Suit is an armor worn outside and is powered by battery. Every part of a Power Suit are mass produced with standardization, hence a trooper can salvage parts from fallen infantries on battlefield.[1] There are male and female versions for both Inner Suit and Main Powered Suit. The female version Powered Suit is more streamlined than the male version.

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