4. Off The Clock

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"Mira, mira-"

"I don't wanna hear none of that shit after last night."

"I even got up early and- and brought you sprinkles!"

Oscar and Aléjandro were in his car, parked outside of the store on this Sunday morning. A half eaten box of doughnuts was sitting on Aléjandro's lap. Today was a day off for the store owner but he still wanted to check on things. "Why were you there?"

"..querí ver mi amigos.."

"¿Pensas soy una idiota?" Oscar scoffed, looking at his friend. "Dimé."

"..." Aléjandro picked at the pastry box, avoiding Oscar's eyes. He didn't know what to say, the growing silence irritating the store owner even more. He really did want to see his friends and relax and Oscar didn't need to know any details other than that. "A few friends I know were there, wanted to see 'em." Oscar was a little impressed and offended. Aléjandro really must think he's stupid. There was a war going on in Oscar's mind, he didn't know whether to ask him how he got home or to just let it be.


Oscar knew Aléjandro didn't apply for any classes for fall this year. His head was no longer in the books that were no longer in that backpack but now in the streets, he has seen this route before. He's been down this route before. Ultimately, he decided to shrug it off this time but the next time something feels off to him again, he's dealing with it personally.

"Gimme my damn sprinkles." Then older man snatched the box, opening it to see three beautifully made doughnuts.

"What? Not a single thank you?"

"Nope." Oscar took a bite, humming at the taste of the sweet icing. "This is why you always buy local." He took another bite before talking with his mouth full. "Invest in your people, compa!"

"That blueberry one is still nasty.."

"You need to eat better shit." When Oscar finished the first doughnut, he continued. "You need me to drop you off anywhere?" He asked and his friend was just as quick to shoot it down.

"Actually I need to go see my friends.."

"..the friends you needed to see last night.." The tone in Oscar's voice told Aléjandro that he wasn't buying whatever he was telling him. "Okay.." The younger guiltily exited the car, closing the passenger door before looking at Oscar.

".. Are you still cooking tonight?"

"Yea, now go and stay your ass outta trouble." Aléjandro smiled at the harsh words, only computing that his friend was cooking before tapping the top of the car and walking off.

Oscar took a deep breath and shook his head. He felt like a single father, the thought actually making him chuckle to himself. Before he pulls off and heads to the grocery store, there is a shiny glint that catches his eye. It looked like a gold hoop earring and instantly, he gets flashbacks of last night and of Selene. She was wearing ones that looked exactly like it. Oscar leaned over and picked it up, a faint smirk on his face. The perfect excuse to go see her again. He quickly put it in the glove compartment as proceeded to go to the grocery store.


When Oscar opened his front door, there was his friend alone with a painful smile and a black eye to match it. "¿Quién hizo eso?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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