Episode 1

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There I was, room 023,  just fourteen minutes late. My hand reached out, not to grab the handle, but knock. Least I could do is be a bit more polite, not to satisfy my aunt, of course.

Knock, knock.
The door squeaked ever so slightly, just enough to allow a small gap to peep through. Suddenly, the door flew wide open, and a hand pulled me in forcefully.

"Welcome, welcome! Unite, Rejuvenate, and Shine!" A new voice startled me, causing me to clutch my pounding heart in an effort to prevent a potential heart attack. As my heart slowed steadily, I managed to gather my composure and look around the unfamiliar environment.

"Engel, come on, don't do her like that. We wouldn't want to scare off a new member, would we?" the other person scolded with a monotone voice.

As 'Engel's' grip remained on me, her whines only compounded my own internal protests at the situation I found myself in. She then swiftly ushered me inside and locked the door, leaving me to wonder about the reason behind that. I saw a girl, a clown and a large stage lined with disassembled musical instruments. Classical instruments, to be specific.

"What is this? Is this the circus club?" I glared at a nonchalant black-haired girl with a witch hat as I inquired about our surrounding. "NO, this is MY band." Another voice appeared from behind the stage.

The curtain parted with a theatrical flair to reveal the band leader, a long-haired blonde who swung her ponytail confidently. The leader held a knight helmet in preparation for her entrance, her confident demeanor indicating that she was determined to take charge.

Aceline Advent... I heard that name across the hallway. According to rumours, she was well-known for her bullying behavior. Even her demeanor exuded an air of superiority, reinforcing my previous impression of her as a spoiled, mean girl. I struggled to hide my scowl, seeing her smug expression and pink-tinged lips curl into a knowing smile.

She also wore a costume, a princess? Honestly, it suits her. "You're Cadi? Cadi Cecile. I- We've been awaiting you." Her smile softened and her head nudged upwards. Again, my gaze lingered back towards the other members.

A princess, clown, witch... a knight?
Aceline chuckled when she noticed the confusion in my eyes. As if intentionally adding to my confusion, she then threw the knight helmet towards me, which, despite her intended aim, struck the witch in the center of her forehead.

„What the fuck!?" The witch yelped as the knight helmet initiated contact. She dropped her phone in the process and squinted her red eyes at the queen.

She shivered lightly though returned to her previous composure. „...pay attention, Santino! For we have a new member standing right before us." Seems she managed to brush it off well, since the witch admitted she was in the wrong by keeping her mouth shut.

‚Engel' couldn't hold in her laugh and wiped her eye, smearing some of her clown make up by doing so. „Anyways. We want to thank you for joining our school band." Aceline's lip quivered lightly. She seemed speechless almost.

The clown immediately jumped into my frame of view and pointed at Aceline. „I'll take the lead, Aceline. Look, that's Aceline... leader of Chronologia... Chronology." She quickly corrected herself.

„She plays the violin." Engel added. She then proceeded to point at herself. „I'm Engel Idalie, flutist and vice-leader of the band." My eyes fluttered back to Aceline. She looked relieved but also a bit furious at the same time. Perhaps because that clown stole her spot light...

Engel swiftly turned me around and excitedly pointed at the uninterested girl. „Ah, ah, ah... pay attention. That's Leone!~ She's a brilliant pianist... and just a member. Like you!" I nodded. Leone didn't even spare a glance at me, she continued staring at her slightly cracked screen in irritation.

Aceline cleared her throat and crossed her arms, indirectly dismissing the clown. Engel rolled her eyes playfully and stepped aside.

„So, you play the guitar?" She posed a question. „Well, yeah. So, is this really a band? Cuz' you're all dressed up." The queen raised her eyebrow, probably because of my informal language.

Her facial muscles relaxed again when she finally made her next announcement: „Regain your vitality. Illuminate the world with your brilliance. United, rejuvenated, and sparkling, let's shine together for a brighter future with past music." She paused. „We are Chronology, a classical band that also performs stage play during songs."

As the band leader stood in the center of the stage, the air was thick with an uncomfortable silence. Her shoulders slumping, she shifted slightly, her posture unsteady as a result of the lack of activity. The deafening stillness motivated me to lend her support, but I couldn't bring myself to do so. What was it about her that had the power to bring the whole ass room to complete silence?

Then... Leone clapped with a mischievous grin on her face, following with Engel. Awkward. Aceline's face grew red and she balled her hands into fists. "STOP THIS AT ONCE."

"Cadi Cecile," the princess finally addressed me by name with a sigh, and we shared eye contact. "You are assigned the role of Knight, I, the grand elegance, will play the role of Queen. Engel there is the Jester, and Leone is the Witch."

As the 'Queen' finished giving everyone their assigned parts, we finally arrived at the beginning point of our band's story. The members were gathered, and they were assigned their roles, play and reality. What would happen next? Only time would tell.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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