The Aftermath of the Ultimate Splotching Championship

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Two Mentors carry Sophie and Fitz to the Healing Center. I'm not allowed to go, since 'you'll interrupt Elwin.' That's okay, because even though I'm worried about Fitz and Sophie, I need some time to process what happened. A round of applause draws me out of my thoughts, and I glance up to see Fitz and Sophie return.

"Yes, yes, welcome back, Fitz and Sophie. Glad to see you're feeling better." Sir Caton says, looking a teensy bit annoyed by the interruption. He tries to call everyone back to order, but Dex, Marella, Keefe, and I break rank and rush over to them.

I get there first and throw my arms around Fitz hugging him so tight he winces. I think it might have been a touching moment until Keefe copies me and grabs Fitz and pretends to cry.

"Beat by a Level Two," Keefe says, elbowing Fitz in the ribs.

"It was a tie," Sophie protests.

Keefe snorts. "Please. You totally kicked his butt."

"Totally," Dex agrees. "He hit the wall way harder than you did."

He whispers something to Sophie that I can't hear.

Sophie shakes her head.

"Even the Mentors declared you the winner," Keefe adds, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "If you don't think you'll need your pardon, I'd be more than happy to take it off your hands"

"Keefe! Dex! Marella! Biana! Need I remind you that you are not excused from the lesson?" Sir Caton yells.

I retreat back to where the Level Twos are, and practice whatever skill we're practicing today.

Lady Alexine gives Sophie a pardon, and the rest of the day continues eventlessly, if you count having to sit in the dark for hours so you'll know if you're a Flasher as eventless. Technically, I could tell the Council that I'm a Hydrokinetic, but then that would unleash a bunch of chain events until the Coucil removes Dad and Mom's titles, and possibly, possibly get Exiled. Yeah, no thanks. I'll be content sitting in the dark.

When I get home, Dad calls Biana and I to his office.

"I need you to be friends with Sophie," he tells us.

"Ew," Biana wrinkles her nose. "Why?"

Dad sighs."It's"

Biana butts in. "Classified, yeah, we know."

It actually is kind of annoying to have Dad, Quinlin, and Fitz doing mysterious research that Biana and I aren't allowed to help with, Fitz disappearing whenever there's time ever since he was five, with Biana and I certainly not allowed to help, even when we were ten, (Two times the age Fitz was when he started.) when Biana and I came up with the brilliant plan that to keep the suspicion off Fitz, that Biana could go do whatever Fitz always disappeared to do, and I could fill in her prescence. And now Dad wants us to be friends with Sophie. For a classified reason. The least he could do is at least tell us what's going on, right? These days I often feel like my parents don't really think that girls and boys are equal. It makes sense, at least in my brain. Why else would they let Alvar disappear often, and then Fitz, when in reality Biana and I are twice as much, since they registered us as one person?

Oops. That turned into a rant, didn't it? Biana's always telling me to focus on the present.

". . . You don't really need to be too close." Dad tells Biana something which I missed.

Biana crosses her arms. "Fine."

So the next day, since it's Biana's turn to go to Foxfire, she invites Sophie to come to Everglen. I hope this goes well.

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