slytherin boys react mattheo riddle an angry love confession

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you went through all the motions of your night routine but your mind was elsewhere. thoughts of brown curly hair and dark eyes consumed you, much to your annoyance. why was he always on your mind?? you had been enemies since 1st year and you never gave him a second thought, what has changed. you knew what had changed actually, mattheo had been acting different the past few months, and things between you both had been different, shared glances at eachother, jealousy and even your arguments were different, more tension. the whole thing was driving you crazy.

by the time you were ready for bed you had tried your best to push all thoughts of a certain riddle to the side. however every time you closed your eyes to try sleep his stupid smile was all you could see. "for fuck sake y/n, pull yourself together" you muttered to yourself as you walked over to your door grabbing your coat and shoes and heading out to try and clear your mind.

you sped down the corridor and round the corner, not bothering to pay attention to your surroundings as nobody would be out at this time. or that was what you thought until you slammed into a wall. a 6'2, ridiculously beautiful wall. "off somewhere y/n?" mattheo questioned.

"yep, now if you will excuse me i have somewhere to be", you replied. he made no effort to move and just stared down at you with an indecipherable look in his eyes. you went to move around him but you felt a tight grip on your wrist, you hadn't realised but when you slammed into him he had grabbed your wrist to steady you and hadn't let go, you stared down at his hands tightly wrapped around you, the heat from his touch scorching through your skin. he followed your eyes and dropped your wrist.

"are you going to meet someone?" he asked in a cool tone though his eyes had a hint of danger in them. "maybe", his eyes darkened further and you could sense the danger in the air. "well you aren't anymore, turn around and go back to your room" you couldn't quite believe what you were hearing, who did he think he was. "why do you care who i meet up with mattheo? " you wanted to get an answer for all the weird things happening between you two

when he didn't respond you carried on, "why mattheo ?? why do you beat up every guy that looks my way, why do you always need to know where i'm going and who im with, why do you look at me like you want to kiss me and then act like nothing happened. why do you care mattheo ?!" your voice got louder and louder as you spoke and you were basically shouting by the end of it. he sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "i don't know why i care y/n. i just know that i do". disappointment filled you at his confession. "well not knowing isn't good enough for me mattheo" and with that you shoved past him and walked up to the top of the astronomy tower.

when you reached the top you burst into tears, all the built up emotion, confusion and anger from the past few months came flooding back, why did he always shut down just when you thought you would get an answer. minutes later the sound of thunder rumbled in the background before the heavens opened. the force of the heavy droplets caused a sting on your exposed skin, but you were past the point of caring.

"y/n" the sound of a familiar voice pulled you out of your trance and you looked up to find mattheo staring down at you with a look of sympathy on his face. he opened his mouth to say something else but you held up your hand and cut him off " no mattheo, i don't want to fucking hear it, it's the same thing every single time, you act like you are going to tell me the truth and then you shut back down, i don't know what is going on between us but it can't keep happening, one day you look at me and i think you might kiss me, the next day you look straight through me like i don't exist, you flip hot and cold and i don't want to deal with it anymore." you stood up and walked towards him but didn't let him respond "so tell me mattheo, are you going to actually tell me what is going on in your head or are you going to keep fucking me about like everyone else " as you said the last bit you shoved his chest with your two hands, the anger giving you an adrenaline boost.

"do you want to know why i care y/n?" he yelled, the rain was soaking you both through but neither of you seemed to care. "i am in love with you y/n and it fucking terrifies me, i've never felt this way for anyone, i've never even liked anyone enough to care let alone love someone. i've spent the past few years being a complete dick just to push you away and build a wall between us, but everytime i see you smile or hear your laugh the wall crumbles more and more, i can't stay away anymore, i need you, i need you so fucking much y/n" his voice cracked at the end. his confession left you speechless. he carried on "there. is that what you wanted to fucking hear?" he yelled.

all you could do was grab his shirt and pull him towards you, your lips crashing together as you both fought for dominance, his hands moved down to your lower back as he pulled you even closer to him. you began fisting his hair causing him to groan into your mouth. he bit your lip in response and then soothed it with his tongue, the mix of pain and pleasure sent your mind spiralling and all you wanted was more of him. your kiss was anything but sweet and tender but that was how your entire relationship had been with mattheo, the confusion and the anger from the past few years had built up and exploded into this one kiss.

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