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Why do I have bad luck? My mate is a married woman, what can I do? I can't really mark her. But I also can't reject her. I guess I will just have to end this trip early. But first, I need to see my beautiful mate one last time!
    Luckily Mira gave me her number so we could talk to each other. She is aware that I live in Michigan, and will have to return home. I pull out my phone to text her:
    "Hey Mira! What are you doing?" I asked.
I waited for her response, "Hey! I'm just doing some errands. Why, what's up?" She replied.
    "I just wanted to know if you would like to get some dinner with me, maybe go see a movie?" I asked.
    "I'll have to see if I can find a sitter, since Charles has to work. When did you want to do this?" She replied.
    "Tonight" I said.
    "Oh...okay. Hang on a second." She said.
    I waited for about 20 minutes, when my phone went off with a text.
    "I will see you soon. I got to drop the kids off somewhere first." She replied.
    "Okay" I said. "See you soon."
    We exchanged a few more texts where to meet up.

    A few more hours later and I'm sitting in my car waiting for Mira to arrive, so we can go inside and eat. I already got us on a waiting list so it wouldn't take too long. As I'm sitting there, the thoughts of my dream last night comes flooding back. Oh how i wished it had been real. It took her ten minutes to get there after me. I got out of my car and walked over to her and embraced her in a tight hug, before walking into the restaurant. We talked about things and how her work was going and I sat there and listened to the sound of her voice, only responding when needed. I'm going to have to tell her I'm planning on going back home in the morning. After we ate our food, I look at Mira and say, "Mira sweetheart...there's something I need to tell you." She looks into my eyes and notices the sad look on my face before responding, "What is it?" I go on to tell her how I'm needed back home and that I wanted to see her before leaving in the morning.
    She looked sad after telling her. She surprised me by asking, "Will I see you again?"
    It took everything in me not to get up from the table and put her in my lap to hold her in my arms and tell her everything. How she's my mate, that we belong together, to choose me.
    Instead I replied, "I don't know. But we can keep in touch?"
    She looked down at the table and said, "okay."
    I asked her that question because I didn't know how else to respond. Would I actually be able to keep in touch with my mate? My mate that I would never be able to have?
    "Are you ready to go see a movie?" I asked.
    "Yeah," she replied. I could hear the sadness in her voice. It broke me.
    I paid for our food and we drove to the cinema to see a movie.
    During the movie, I looked over at Mira and saw how focused she was. She was really into it. She just watched the big screen, laughing and smiling. I couldn't help myself, so I reached my hand over hers, making her look over at me. She just smiled and squeezed my hand gently. We were sitting in the very back where no one could see us. There weren't many people in here. I could easily lean over and just kiss her, or at least see if she would let me.
    But then she shocked me. She had entwined her fingers with mine and laid her head on my shoulder while still watching the screen.
    I couldn't handle it, so I took my other hand, reached over to her face and turned it towards me, leaning in and looking down at her lips. She had to have notice me looking at them and just stayed still, making me make the choice. So I decided to continue to lean in farther placing my lips on hers. It was such a sweet kiss, that I didn't want to stop, so I continued and things got a little more intense. Then she pulled away, horror and confusion written on her face.
    "Sorry," I quietly said, "I don't know why I did that."
    "It's fine. I shouldn't have let it happen," she responded.
    Things were quiet between us until the movie was over and we were standing by her car, trying to say goodbye forever.
    "I...," she started to say.
    I grabbed and pulled her close to me, holding her in my arms. I did not want to let this woman go. This was going to be the hardest thing I had to do.
    "I, Logan Carter...," I started to reject her as my mate but felt a pain in my heart that I couldn't finish saying what I needed to say. So I finished the sentence, "am so happy to have met you. You truly are an amazing person and your husband is a lucky man."
    She smiled and said,  "Thank you! I am glad we met and got to know each other. "
    I hugged her tighter and kissed the top of her head before letting her go. "Goodbye, Mira." She said goodbye and we both got into our vehicles and left the parking lot going our separate ways.

    The next morning I woke up in such a bad mood. I was not ready to leave my woman here behind. I guess I can't really call her 'my woman' since she is married to someone else. Lucky bastard.
    I slowly jumped in the shower and got out. I got all my belongings together, making sure I wasn't leaving anything behind. I was leaving something behind alright. But there was nothing I could do about it. Paul, my driver had shown up last night after texting him to come pick Felix and me back up.
    "Is this everything, sir?" Paul asked pointing to my bag on the floor.
    "Yes Paul," I said.
    Paul picks up our bags and takes them out to the car. I look around before climbing into the car. It was a long drive back and all I wanted to do was sleep.

    After hours driving, we finally made it back to the mansion. Our mansion was more like a castle, I guess, but big enough for the entire pack to live at. Of course we had some pack members living in houses near the mansion, which is fine.
    Some of my pack members were waiting in the foyer to greet me when we walked in. They either hugged me or layed their hand on my shoulder telling me how much they missed me and was glad I was back.
    I fake smiled and excused myself to my office so I could see what damage had been done while I was away.
    I spent hours in my office from sunrise to sunset burying myself in work.
    I couldn't let myself think about anything else. The only member who knew what my trip had been about and that I found my mate was my best friend beta Felix, and gamma Alec.
    I heard a knock on my door one afternoon. "Come in," I said.
    Felix popped his head in before stepping into my office.
    "Hey Alpha..." He said cautiously.
    "What you need?" I asked.
    "I just wanted to check on my friend, see how he's holding up." He responded.
    "I'm fine," I lied. "Just got a lot of work to catch up on."
    "I know it's not my place to say, but as your friend I'm going to say this," he started, "I think you made the wrong choice leaving her. If it had been me I would have asked her to come with me. I would have fought for her to be with me."
    "Good thing you're not me then." I popped off.
    "Look, I know you're having a hard time dealing with it and I'm here for you as your friend and beta. You can talk to me about anything. But it's been a month and you haven't even tempted to show your face to any of us." He said. I could hear the sincerity in his voice, making me look at him, feeling guilty about being harsh with him.
    "How can I?" I asked.
    "Logan," he said, " you can't blame yourself about Mira already being claimed."
    "Technically," I said, "she isn't claimed. She's married but unmarked."
    "So why didn't you mark her and bring her here?" He asked.
    "First off, that's called kidnapping if I had brought her here. Secondly, I couldn't do that to her, even though it took every muscle in my body not to." I said.
    "It's not considered kidnapping if she came willingly," he laughed, "and I don't know how you didn't, I wouldn't have had that much resistance."
    "She has a family, children," I said, "I couldn't do that to them."
    Felix just nodded and left to get back to whatever he needed to get back to. I continued to work when I got a call from Mira's number. My hands were shaking as I picked up the phone and said hello. I man answered and what he had told me about broke me.

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