Ending 1: A Glimmer of Hope, A Costly Price

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A desperate struggle ensued. Sophia, reacting with lightning-fast reflexes, fired a single shot, disarming Karl before he could raise the alarm. But the bullet, meant to incapacitate, found its mark in his chest. Guilt and horror flickered across her face as she realized the lethal consequence of her action.

With heavy hearts, the group managed to escape the Mint, the weight of their victory tinged with the bitter taste of loss. The stolen money, now stained with the blood of betrayal, became a stark reminder of the sacrifices made in their fight for freedom. News of their daring heist spread like wildfire through the city, igniting a spark of hope within the oppressed masses. The rebellion, though small, had taken its first step, leaving the city teetering on the precipice of change.

The Mint's Requiem by Five FlamesWhere stories live. Discover now