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Gwen Miller

The conversation is not easy. Juliet takes offense and closes the door. I don't want to break into her room, so I'm giving her time to sort out her childish whims. When I was driving home, I prepared for the fact that she would not communicate with me for several hours.

While she is angry and listening to dramatic music, I take out two dusty suitcases from the closet, wiping them with wet wipes. After that, I take things off the shelves, glad that I no longer have to wear a uniform. In summer, it is simply unbearable to walk in it. I feel like the dirtiest girl on the planet, especially when I'm sweating.

In a couple of hours, I pack my suitcases, stuffing in them, in addition to things, bathroom accessories, cosmetics, a couple of bags, several swimsuits, a curling iron and a hair iron. I like to do hairstyles, and I will definitely continue to experiment with hair. Shoes are the least of the problems, I only have one pair of black sneakers that I will wear.

I put my headphones and phone on charge and go to the kitchen, starting to cook dinner. Juliet hears my commotion in the kitchen and turns up the volume when Lana Del Rey sings my favorite song Summertime Sadness. She turned it on specifically to make me feel guilty, but it doesn't work on me. I roll my eyes, annoyed, and fry potatoes with minced chicken.

After cooking the potatoes, I put them on a plate and pour ketchup over them. I take a jar of cherry Cola from the fridge and go into the room. Initially, when I rented an apartment, first of all I asked about sound insulation, so I have dinner in complete silence.

By ten o'clock in the evening, I check my suitcases again to make sure I have everything I need and shove the charger with headphones into a small backpack. Also a pack of Marlboros with an inverted cigarette. It can be useful at any time. If Harry pisses me off, I'll give him a cigarette, and no one will guess why he died. The doctors will think that his heart just stopped. It's not a bad idea to end his life.

I set the alarm for two in the morning, then change into my pajamas and text Louis.

Gwen: "Will you pick me up in the morning?)"

It's a stupid habit to put a parenthesis at the end, but I can't get rid of it.

Louis: "I'm sorry, I can't. We can't be seen together. We'll have to go separately : ("

He writes back a few minutes later, when I get into bed.

Gwen: "Okay, I'll ask Juliet if she stops sulking, of course"

Which I strongly doubt, although the music has stopped. I noticed this when I left the room to take a dirty plate to the sink. I can assume that she took care of my sleep, knowing what time I would leave and that I needed to sleep.

Louis: "Was she really offended?"

Gwen: "She locked herself in a room and listened to Lana Del Rey to annoy me"

Before that, she was ready to accept the money, but when she heard that I needed to leave her and fly away, she immediately became offended and refused.

Louis: "You need to talk to her"

Gwen: "I won't do that, Tommo"

I rarely use the nickname that I gave Louis because of his long last name, only when I get tired and too lazy to use other letters.

Louis: "One of you has to do it. You're leaving, and not for one day"

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