js ask me out

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Silvers POV

Hey guys, so like it's ur girl Silver aka Leni aka beauty queen. So lyk, a week has passed and trust me you've missed alot, but lemme give u some updates

~ Alex asked me out on an outing with ava and Rowland, it was a night dinner outing. And ofc I said yes

~ Ava is currently sick

~ Rowland hasn't asked ava out yet

~ and next week Tuesday is gonna be the end of the 2nd semester

~ and I showed Alex to my mum and she agreed and Alex showed me to he's dad and he agreed

OK byeee

Ava's POV

I hate this hospital

As I said that word my father entered my hospital room

"My love what happened?"

He asked out of worry

"Dad, I'm okay, I js need rest that's all"

I said holding back the cough that wanted to boulge out

"Are u sure, princess"

As he said that my mind went directly to Rowland, wtf, I'm still in love with this guy

"Dad, pls don't call me princess again "

"Why shouldn't i"

He said

"F-for no reason at all, js don't call me that"

As I said those words, I couldn't help but to think abt him

"Is it...bcos of Rowland"

As he said those words I looked at him and kept quit

"W-what do u mean"

I said with my heart beating fast, does he know

"I see u really love this boy and I think he loves u back, but if any day he comes to meet me for ur approval or hand in marriage or dating, that will be the last day you'll see him"

He said it like there wasn't any life in him and was walking out out of the room, but I didn't give a fuck

"Not bcos ur a mafia, means u can kill anyone the same way u killed mum"

He stopped, and rushed me to to the wall, he held my neck and pinned it to the wall, I couldn't breathe, I asked myself is these man really my dad

"S-stop, ur k-killing m-me"

I was loosing breathe everything was turning black

Silver opens the door

"Ave-, fuck shit!!"

With that silver uses the metal stool beside my bed and stones it to my dad or should I say my killer, but he doesn't boulge, but with that sound Alex came and punched him. Making my killer to be distracted by Alex

He let's go of me to focus on alex, as I fall on the floor

"I feel so dizzy"

Everything go blank

8hrs later

Urghh, my head. I look around and notice I'm in another room, wtf, so I'm still in this fucking hospital. And wait, its freaking night time

I let out a big sigh and get up from the bed

"I need some air"

I said while going to the balcony bare footed, the floor is so fucking cold

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