Someone should check up on Leo

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A/N Warning: Triggering things in this chapter. You've been warned.

Percy was annoyed.

Percy woke up with the sun in his face. That was the only reason he woke up, to close the curtains. Don't get him wrong he loved the sun. But not when he had to wake up with it shining so brightly in his face. He cursed at Apollo. He winced and looked up to make sure he wasn't getting blasted by Apollo. The gods were very nosy and easily offended.

It has been about 2 to 3 weeks since he moved back to New York, rather Camp Half-Blood. He didn't want to bother his mom more than he had to.

Life was okay. With sword practice and with some people he talks to during the day. He had been talking to Nico and Will too. They were friends now and the past was in the past.

But one day, Nico brought up Leo and said he was here in camp like it was no big deal. And for some reason, when he heard is name, his heart skipped a beat. It was odd but he thought nothing of it. But he was surprised. He thought Leo was with Calypso and and he hadn't seen Leo around camp at all.....


He thought. He didn't need to ask, it wasn't rocket science. He realized that Leo and Calypso broke up. For a second, he was relived. But when he realized that Leo would probably be in the bunker, isolated from everyone else, his heart broke. He felt so bad for him. The poor kid was always alone with no one to love while everyone around him had somebody. He looked so happy when he came back after the war with Calypso with him.

At the time, he was mad and annoyed that it took him this long to come back. He had everyone sobbing for him, even Nico who wouldn't admit it but he shed a tear too. But when he said he didn't feel Leo in the Underworld, we were all confused but hopeful.

And now she left him, leaving him broken. Anger boiled in his veins. He didn't know why he even thought of staying on the island years ago.

Nico snapped his fingers and waved his hand in his face. Percy realized he zoned out.

"Sorry. I zoned out."

"Clearly." Nico rolled his eyes. "What were you thinking about water boy?"

"Um, where is Leo right now?" He asked.

"In the bunker, he hasn't come out in, like, 2 weeks. Why?" Percy's eyes widened.

"2 weeks straight? And you aren't worried about that?" He asked, worried.

"We are, but we can't get him to come out." Percy was still shook.

"So you just gave up? What about food and water?" He asked, frustrated.

"Look Percy, I don't know the details. And no we didn't give up. We're still trying." Nico scoffed and rolled his eyes. Percy still didn't understand how someone could stay in a room for so long and not get anything to eat or drink.

"Nicoo!" Will yelled from the infirmary.

"Coming! Gotta go, kelp face. See you later." Nico ran off. Percy shook it off and decided not to think about it and went to practice in the arena.


Leo was depressed.

He was very depressed. He had panic and anxiety attacks like it was a daily routine. There were voices in his head

You're useless

You're worthless

You're annoying

Nobody cares for you

Nobody loves you..

And he listened to them. There was nothing to prove otherwise. That's why Calypso left him. It was all true.

When he would finally get tired enough to not be able to keep his eyes open, he slept. And when he slept, he would have nightmares. The same nightmares. The voices growing louder. Telling him the same things over and over again until he would wake up screaming, covered in sweat.

He was working on something right now, trying to keep his mind distracted. Until a new voice whispered something. He dropped the screwdriver and the small machine he was holding. It grew louder and louder.

You should kill yourself

It said, loud and clear. It didn't stop though. It kept on saying the same thing. Leo shut his eyes and put his hands to his ears, trying to block out the voice.

It didn't work.

It wouldn't stop!

He screamed. He collapsed to the floor, sobbing.

"Stop, please stop." He choked out. His body was shaking and he tried to breath. But he couldn't, there was no air in his lungs. He gasped and reached for air. He gave up trying and curled up on the floor with his head in his hands, still shaking.

You should do it

It isn't hard

Just one simple cut in the right place....

He gave in. He gasped for air again but he got it this time. Lungs full of air. He stood up shakily and took small steps towards the drawer. He opened it and reached in. He found the small pocket knife. His lower lip quavered. He held it in his right hand and slowly pulled up the sleeve of his left hand. He positioned it where the vital nerve would be and squeezed his eyes shut. He took a deep breath and did it.

He didn't feel anything. Confused, he peeked a look. He didn't cut deep enough to reach the nerve. He exhaled and closed his eyes again. He tried again but higher up his wrist. This time it cut deep and blood dripped down his arm and spilled on the floor.

He smiled. It only stung a bit. And he felt he deserved this. So why not some more?

He made a few more cuts before he decided to stop. He walked over to his bathroom, lightheaded. He felt dizzy but he held on to the sink in his bathroom. He turned on the tap and let his hand under the cold running water. He quickly found a bandage to wrap up his wrist and changed clothes.

He felt refreshed somehow. His stomach rumbled and Leo decided he was gonna get food for the first time in weeks. He wasn't exactly sure how long it has been. He opened the bunker door and set out to the pavilion. He didn't know if there was still food there but he was gonna take his chances.

A/N All rights to Rick Riordan.

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