Rage buried within

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When Kokushibo had instructed him to attack Muzan, Tanjirou had been a bit confused. For as long as Tanjirou can remember, Kokushibo has repeatedly told him to never disrespect Muzan. And attacking him was the most disrespectful thing Tanjirou could ever imagine. But just the thought of using his skills against the demon king made something inside Tanjirou burn.


The thought of burying the blade of his katana into the demon lord's flesh made Tanjirou's blood boil. He wanted nothing more than to watch the demon burn under the sun.

But why? Why would he want that? Why would Kokushibo want that?

Tanjirou shoved those questions into the depths of his mind and attacked. Upon spotting Kokushibo and Tanjirou, Muzan let out a furious roar.

"You traitors!" Was all Muzan could muster. He was seeing red. His most loyal subordinate hadn't died in battle like he had originally thought when he suddenly couldn't see through Kokushibo's eyes or hear his thoughts. No. He had betrayed him. Joined the demon slayers.

This fight is only the beginning.

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