Payu's sassy preggy wife 😅

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Payu : Wake up my cutie pie...

Rain : Leave me to sleep na daddy
I am so tired

Payu : Baby today we have to go to your scanning...
I am so excited...
Get up na cutie

Rain slowly opens his eyes

Rain : Oh I completely forgot about the scanning
Come let's get ready

They both gets ready and go to hospital

The doctor was taking the scanning and Payu was holding Rain's hand and sitting next to him

Dr Kim : Omg...!!!
Payu and Rain I have something which is good news for both of you...

Payu : What is it uncle...???

Rain was also very curious to listen the good news

Dr Kim : Rain is carrying twin babies
Two babies are growing in his belly

Listening to this Payu didn't know to how react
Weather to get happy or get scared of taking care of two kids which will be acting sassy like Rain (😅😅😅)

He also started thinking to work permanently from home next now

He was still in shock

Rain : Daddy...

Payu : Yes baby...

Rain : Are you not happy about it...

Payu : I am so happy sweetheart...
I am so happy that there will be two more little Rain running around us

Rain : No one will be like you and one will be like me

Dr Kim : If you both are done can we continue to see the genders of the babies...???

Rain : Yes... Yes... uncle please

Dr Kim does scanning for some more time and finally...

Dr Kim : Are you both ready to listen to the genders of the babies...???

Payu : Yes uncle please...

Dr Kim : One is girl and One is boy...!!!

Listening to this Rain was so happy and hugs Payu so tightly

Rain : Omg...!!!
Daddy see na we will be having both son and a daughter

Payu : Thanks a lot my baby....
Thanks for this wonderful gifts

Dr Kim : Payu...
I want to advise something

Take Rain to walk every morning and evening
It's because he is carrying twins and because of the weight in his tummy his legs and feet will start swelling after he falls in second trimester

Payu : Sure uncle I will do that

Dr Kim : Then that's all
Come to scanning everything month and take care of Rain

Payu : Sure uncle thank you so much

On the way back to home

Rain : Daddy I am so happy...
I think girl will look like me and boy will look like you...

Payu : Even if both the babies are looking like you..
I will be more than happy my love

Payu makes Rain to sleep on his shoulders

Rain : I love you so much daddy...

Payu : Love you too my heartbeat

Rain : Daddy...

Payu : Yes baby...

Rain : I want to eat ice cream

Payu : Sure baby come I will take you to eat ice cream

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