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Hello lovely readers!

Did you ever have a story concept you would escape into whenever things were hard in the real world?

This story idea was my coping mechanism in middle and high school-an alternate universe my brain would live when things were rough.

Then I moved on to college and law school; my problems got bigger and darker, and so did the stories in my head.

But when I saw prompt 27 for ONC, it reminded me of this archived story idea from angsty teenage Amber. I knew it was a sign that, after over a decade, it was finally time to write it.

I've decided that ONC is going to be my yearly opportunity to challenge myself to write something outside of my comfort zone. That way, I care less about winning and more about personal growth. This year, I'm challenging myself to:

1) Finish within the word count by the deadline
2) Write from a single, first-person POV
3) Write exclusively from a male POV
4) Make a story idea I came up with in middle school not cringey (probably the biggest challenge!)

I haven't done any of these things before, so wish me luck!

And to all the other competitors, good luck!


Main prompt:

27. Sometimes love is what drives you to take your next breath. Other times, it's revenge.


37. "I'll chase you to the end of the world and then push you over the edge."

85. "If you do that again, I'll throw you out that freaking window. What are you doing?"

"Checking how high the drop is to see if it's worth it."

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