2: Lillian - Incantor

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I am the hand of my goddess, the power of my summoning magicks swirling around my outstretched hand. I walk down the narrow hall of the house I find myself in. I am the killer of these foolish people, the ones who are marked for death by my Nameless Goddess. She is the one I serve, and as I summon fire to my hand, I trail it against the wall as I walk past.

I walk into the living room, and my blue-eyed gaze locks on the man laying in bed. A young woman lays beside him, and I know she is several years younger than he is. I roll my eyes and walk over to his bed, peering down at them.  I have to hurry, I know that. So, I slash the man's throat, holding him down with my other hand pressed to his mouth. He does not thrash or even move much, but his beady eyes open and lock on me.

I smile down at him, and then, I watch as his life fades from his eyes. Once that's done, I move to the girl. I sheath my knife and nudge her awake.  Her eyes fly open, and her gray eyes are wild as she looks at me.  Her hair is dyed blue, her skin is dark and lined with some bruises. She blinks as she sits up, and looks at the man.

"Oh," she whispers. Then, she smells the fire I've summoned. She looks at me.  "If I am discovered alive, when he is dead...."

I hold out my hand. "Come with me, then, girl."

"I am Rava," she says softly, and takes my hand.

I smile at her. "Lillian."

We slip out the window, and climb to the roof, the flames surging into the air, and I summon a strong blast of wind to carry Rava and I from the roof, and off into the night.

As soon as we land in the courtyard of the place I call home, Rava looks around and gawks at the massive building around her. The big building I call my home was once a country club, but I am not the only one to live here now.  As Rava and I walk through the garden in the courtyard, I hear a gruff male voice talking.

Rava stiffens beside me, her shoulders going tight. She clutches her arms to her chest, and I turn to her.

"You are safe here, Rava," I assure her. "No one will harm you, I swear."

She blinks, as if she didn't realize how she'd reached to the man's voice. She nods slowly, and chews her bottom lip.  I turn around as Nick, a Necromi, walks into the garden. His green eyes lock on Rava, then flick to me. 

"So, how'd your adventure go, Lilly?"

"Oh, fine," I reply.   "Nick, this is Rava."

He holds out a hand.  "Nice to meet you, Rava."

She stares at his hand, but doesn't move. He looks at me. I clear my throat.  "She was where I just was. That monster had her imprisoned, in a way."

"Fuck," Nick mutters, running his neck. "That's awful."

Rava rubs her exposed arms, and looks at me.  "Do you have clothes I could change into? I hate this nightgown."

"Yes," I say. "Come with me."

Nick waves as we pass him, and the two of us walk inside the club, the massive building is designed like a wheel, and the spokes of it are the halls, where the center of it is the main hall. But Rava and I walk down the hall together, the marble floors white and covered in golden veins. As we walk, I notice that Rava had no shoes on. She wears a thin nightgown, and nothing more.

We walk into the rim of the wheel. And that is the rooms where we all call our own. Jack, a Glamor, walks by, nodding at me and continuing on. Rava does not ask who he is, but as soon as we reach my room, and I close the door, she sits down hard on the small couch.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

"No. My sister. Quaith, is out there somewhere. And I need to find her," she says.

"Ah," I say as I rummage through my closet. "Where do you think she is?"

She shrugs.  "I dunno. That man you found me with, his name was Jeremiah, and he .... he sold her to someone else. I don't know where she is, or if she's even alive."

My heart sinks.  "I'm so sorry, Rava." I turn to her, holding out two dresses. One is purple with black and blue flowers, and one is pale orange, with nothing on it. "Do you wish to look through here? I'm afraid I do not know what you like."

She points to the purple dress.  "That will do, thanks."

I smile and pass it to her, then guide her over behind a curtain, where she changes. I throw away her nightgown, as she'd asked me to. Now, she steps out from behind the curtain and smiles a little sheepishly at me. Grinning at her, I nod.

"You're beautiful, Rava," I say.  "Really, really beautiful."

She blushes.  "Thanks, Lilly."

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