LV.1 : From ZERO To ONE

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Long long ago various creatures and species lived here in "MountAzy", a realm of riches, filed scenarios each one more unique then the one before.

For a whole millennia of peace and grandeurs discovery, people couldn't get enough of the romance in being an adventure, some people even formed a competitive groups as they were calling themselves Mercenaries or Explorers.

Those groups kept arguing with each others in each friendly battle/competition they did, such peaceful times they were.

One day there was this small group which were formed by 5 crafters, 3 scientist, 6 doctors and 15 fighters the group had 29 people beside the leader which was mainly on administrative and front liner job.

The group called themselves Raiders or Knights depends on their standing, the group's leader has been raiding many cities and organizations behind the veils, such the name Raider come to light.

From this day two things has been found, firstly the quote " Crime came from raiding, not the other way around " said by one of officials in old " AuWiPriMer " The Empire of the four seasoned Sages.

And secondly after  a millennia and thousands more, the age of Evil Warfare has begun. . .





" I see, interesting enough this is one of the greatest warfare game setting I've seen so far"

Hmm, but I'm sure my opinion wouldn't even flatter them.

( Hello !! Remember me I'm your favorite  SS.AI = Status Screen . Artificial Incarnation )

" I hope I won't disappoint Freed, I know I lost the bet but  I've already told him that I have never played any MMORPG not even normal RPG games, so it's basically all on him "

(  Who that was, you ask ? Heghm, so you remember our dear king player Colin, right ? )

( So it's him, yeah yeah, surprising isn't it ? That a king would act so timid, but that's is our dear Colin or his real name Nick ) 

[ LOG IN ] 


( Is it just me who get vibes for this " Log In " Button ? Something like a LINK !!!  x) ) 

" They really good on the design I'll give it to them " 

Hm, I should get in touch with Freed 

" Hmm, Friends, friends, friends AH ! Found it ! " 

[ Friend List : Add Freed DragonSly ]

( A little help in the search area doesn't bother anyone, right ? Eheheh ) 

" Let's start at the Falcon Rivers, there a monster I want to the defeat " 

" Got it, Freed " 


*   *   *

[ PLAYTIME : 10H, 45M and 20S ]

[ Congratulations !! Obtaining a greater amount of loot. ]

[ The following rewards :
 3,000 Goblin Cores
 , 200 Gobkin Ears,
50 Spatial Scrolls, 
400 Rusted Weapons,
5,000 COPPER Mal ]

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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