Part 6: Commander Zhoa and the Southern Air-temple

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Azelea couldn't forget the encounter she had with Iroh. He knew who she was. Nobody would have known and it was clear Zuko didn't tell his uncle. He wasn't in the room, so how did he know about who she really was to the Royal family. Her thoughts where interrupted when Zuko calls her name. "Azelea!" His voice rings from the front of the ship. Her eyes go to where he was standing. His uncle standing behind him. She walks up to the two. Her eyes darting around the place. They walk off the ramp of the ship. Azelea right behind Zuko, next to Iroh. "Uncle, I want the repairs done as quickly as possible." He says as they reach the ground. He doesn't stop and keeps walking. "I don't want to stay too long and risk losing his trail." Zuko says as he walks with a fast paste. "You mean the Avatar?" Iroh ask, sounding more board with his nephew as anything else. Zuko spins around and glares at his uncle. "Don't mention his name on these docks." Zuko commands his uncle. His uncle leans back in his spot. "Once word gets out that he is alive, every firebender will be out their looking for him and I don't want anyone getting in my way" Zuko says. It was a valid point, people would love to get their hands on Aang. "Getting in the way of what, Prince Zuko?" A male voice rings from behind them. Azelea jumps as the man was standing right behind her. "Captain Zhoa." Zuko says in a low voice, taking Azelea's hand softly and pulling her behind him.

"It's commander now." Zhoa says looking at the Fire prince. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a dull knife. "And general Iroh, great Hero of our nation." Zhoa says looking down at them. "Retired General." Iroh says. "The fire Lord brother and Son are welcome guest any time, so is your little friend." Zhoa says his eyes landing on Azelea. Zuko glares at Zhoa while Azelea softly wraps one hand around his arm. He stiffens slightly but doesn't let it show. "What brings you to my harbour?" Zhoa ask, his tone of voice made him scary. "Our ship is being repaired." Iroh points to the ship behind them. It was a wreck. Zhoa looks at the ship and then back down at the fat old man. "That's quite a bit of damage." He points out. Zuko takes his hand to his mouth to scratch it. "Yes. You wouldn't believe what happened. Uncle! Tell Commander Zhoa what happened." Zuko says throwing his uncle under the train. Iroh's eyes go wide, he didn't expect to lie to someone of why their ship was in the state that is was in. "Yes. I will do that." Iroh started his story. Zhoa on the other hand was more focused on Azelea. "It was incredible. What, did we crash or something?" Iroh ask leaning towards Zuko. "Yes, right into an earthkingdom ship." Zuko says trying to find the rest of their story. Azelea actually wanted to laugh her ass off at how the two cant lie to save their own skins. "Really? You must regale me with all the trilling details." Zhoa says, he was getting bored with the fire prince and his uncle.

"Join me for a drink?" Zhoa ask leaning down to look Zuko in the face. "Sorry but we have to go." Zuko says turning away and started to walk away from Zhoa. Azelea walked with him. As if she had a choice. He grabbed her hand as he started to walk. IT didn't help though because Iroh took them both by the shoulders. "Prince Zuko, Show commander Zhoa your respect. We would be honoured to join you." Iroh says lifting his hands of their shoulder. Zuko was pissed and so was Azelea. "You have any ginseng Tea? Its my favorite." Iroh says as he and Zhoa starts to walk away from them.


Meanwhile Aang, Katara and Sokka was flying on Appa. Aang wanted to visit Kiyosi Island. A Island that was created by the Earthbeding Avatar Kiyosi, but first he had to stop at his old home. Sokka's stomach grumbles as he looks through his bags for food. "Hey, stomach be quiet. all right? I'm trying to find us some food." He says talking to his own stomach. He pulls out a bag. A bag he was sure had some food in. As he sticks his hand in and feels nothing, he turns the bag around. Only a few crumbs fall on his hand. "Hey, who ate all my blubbered seal jerky?" Sokka ask clutching both his fist. Ang's eyes widen. "Oh, that was food? I used it to start the campfire last night. Sorry." Aang says, looking back at his friend. "You what? No wonder the flames smelled so good." Sokka says thinking back to the night before.

"The Patola Mountian rangge! Were almost there!" Aang says excitedly. "Aang, before we get to the temple, I want to talk to you about the airbenders." Katara started. She Knew what was going on and how ruthless the firenation truly was. "What about them?" Ang ask. He was being optimistic to find some of his people that survived, that wasn't just him and his sister. "Well...I just want you to be prepared for what you might see. The firenation is ruthless They killed my mother, and they could have done the same to your people." Her voice was soft. Aang looks down. Something in his heart knew Katara was telling the truth he just dint want to believe her. "Just because no one has seen an airbender doesn't mean the firenation killed them all. They probably escaped." Aang says with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. He wanted to believe that his people where not gone. "I know its hard to accept." Katara says putting her hand on his shoulder. "You don't understand, Katara. The only way to get to an airbender temple is on a flying bison. I doubt the fire nation has any fling bison, right, Appa?" Ang says and Appa roars, as if to say yes. "Yip-yip!"

A few mements later after a steep hill. they made It to the top. "There it is the southern airtemple." Aang says as they near his old home. Snow covered the buildings and mountains. "Aanf, its amazing!" Katara says as she looks at the temple. Sokka silently staring from the saddle. "Were home bubby. Were home." Aang says even if Azelea is missing. He smiled. He did miss her but right now he wanted to find their people.


Back at the docks Zuko, Iroh and Azelea was in the tent of Comander Zhoa. "And by years end, the earth kingdom capital will be under our rule." Zhoa says, telling them the fire nations great plan to take over the world. Azelea clutches her stomach. "The Fire Lord will finally claim victory in this war." Zhao finishes. Azelea was sitting next to Zuko while Iroh was looking at the spears they had on display. "If my father thinks the rest of the world will fallow him willingly then he is a fool." Zuko says. Azelea nods her head lightly. She has heard enough of this plan to know it was going to end wrong. Zhoa takes an empty seat next to Azelea. "Two years at sea have done little to temper your tongue. So, how is your search for the Avatar going. Or was all you manage to find was a harlot." He says looking Azelea up and down. Iroh pushes over the spears making Azelea jump from her seat. "My fault entirely." Iroh say looking at the spears with wide eyes. Azelea walks closer to him and starts to pick them up and up them back where they belong. "We haven't found him yet." Zuko says looking at Zhoa like nothing was out of the ordinary. "Did you really expect to?" Zhoa aks. Azelea wanted to smack the man. He knew noting. "The Avatar died a hundred years ago, along with the rest of the airbenders." Zhoa continues. Zuko looks away from him. Azelea walks towards Iroh.

"Unless you found some evidence that the Avatar is alive?" Zhoa ask Zuko, a evil grin appearing on his face. "No, nothing." Zuko say clutching hisfist into balls. "prince Zuko, the Avatar is the only one who can stop the fire nation from winning this war. If you have any ounce of loyalty left, you'll tell me what you've found." Zhoa says standing up from his seat. Zuko's eyes lock with Azelea's. "I haven't found anything." He says. His eyes not leaving hers. He was impressing Azelea with that lei. "It's like you said, the Avatar probably died a long time ago." zuko says, breaking his eye contackt with Azelea and glaring at Zhoa. "Come on uncle, Azelea, were going." Zuko says standing up from his chair. The guards stops him just before they could exit the tent. "Commander Zhoa, We interrogated the crew as you instructed. They confirmed Prince Zuko had the Avatar in custody but let him escape. They also say this girl is an airbender, the sister to the Avatar." One says pointing to Azelea. Zuko lowers his head. A guard grabs Azelea's wrist. "Let go of me." She opens her mouth for this first time. "Now Remind me. How was your ship damaged."

To be continued...

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