𝟎𝟒 | in between the two of them

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in the previous chapter:

"okay, let's just go in" annabeth shakes her head in disbelief and walks inside.

the two of them follow her, fighting about who gets to go inside the door first.

percy squeezes himself in, looking proudly back at meara who's walking in right behind him.

"no need to take the 'ladies first' rule so seriously" she says while walking around him to stand beside annabeth.

percy looks offended once again, pausing before taking the other side, finally leaving space for annabeth to introduce him.

4th chapter, between the two of them:

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"percy jackson, meet cabin eleven" annabeth announced.

"regular or undetermined?" one of the campers yells out a question.

"undetermined" annabeth responds shortly.

the cabin members didn't seem very pleased about that.

"come on, that's what we're here for, welcome, percy." luke castellan, a taller brunette boy steps out of the crowd "you can have a spot on the floor, right over there" he motions to a corner of the room.

"hey mea, missed you on the practice" luke shifted his attention to the brunette girl.

"yeah i'll be there tomorrow, right after we capture the flag" meara replies as he playfully nudges her shoulder.

"practice? what practice?" percy asks curiously, while standing in between the two of them "and are we playing the capture the flag game orr?"

"sword practice," luke replies "you'll probably be attending too, sooner or later, you've killed the minotaur after all" he pats him on the shoulder "and about the game, yeah, but i don't know if they'll let you play since you've been here only for a few days"

percy looks down during the mention of the minotaur "oh" he simply nods.

his reaction makes meara remember all of the talking from his sleep about his mother's apparent death, which constantly made her stay awake all night.

her eyes soften.

"make yourself home" luke says while motioning to the corner of the room yet again.

percy just keeps nodding, while turning around and walking towards his new 'bed'.

"opinions?" luke asks when percy's out of sight.

annabeth looks at meara, leaving space for her to speak since she's interested in what she might have to say about him due to the theory of hers.

meara puts on her natural expression again.

"i just think he needs a friend, you should be that for him luke" she responds casually, shocking both annabeth and luke.

all she thought about was his mom, and the loss that he had to go through, that can't be easy for anyone.

somehow she understood it even though she's never experienced anything like that.

at least she thought so.

"what?" annabeth breathes out, not intending to ask the question out loud.

meara shoots her a look.

she doesn't want to get pointed out for being like this

for showing emotions.

this is an exception.

she's supposed to be heartless.

at least that's what some campers say.

"your attitude just a few seconds ago said something completely different" annabeth states while crossing her arms.

"i mean... it comes out naturally, our personalities just don't match, we could never be friends, but him and luke could"

meara thought that he didn't have any positive qualities.

in her eyes, he's closed minded.

he's confusing.

he's rude.

he's just not a type of person that she could be a friend with.

he's not a type of person that she could actually even like.

but meara herself was confused about her current relationship with percy, are they frenemies? are they just two different campers? are they strangers?

"whoa, okay, did something happen earlier? annabeth?" luke asks, his face expression filled with confusion.

"M! you're finally back from the crusty nursery!" isla curran, daughter of aphrodite, and a friend of meara, speaks from behind them "oh my gosh i need to redo your hair, come here"


hearing isla's voice makes me turn around quickly.

she's come just in the right time.

i can't deal with these thoughts about that boy anymore.

"isla!" i breathe out while a smile forms up on my face.

"you're gonna give us all the updates cause the things we heard? crazy." aire mintz, you know, the apollo's daughter, motions crazily with her hands.

"yeah heard about that" luke says with a scolding undertone "you're the best sword fighter at camp, everyone knows that, but the ares's kids don't respect that meara" he says, parenting me once again.

i look up at him while frowning "they just can't get it into their tiny little stupid brains that there's kids who are better than them"

luke smiles "did you have your sword with you at least?" he asks.

"no, it's not every day that someone corners you in the forest you know" i shake my head while smiling too.

"unbelievable" he shakes his head in disbelief while patting me on the back in order to go with aire and isla.

i quickly say goodbye before walking out with the two of them, but as i walk out of the door, i can't shake off the feeling that someone's been listening to us.

when we're finally together, me, isla and aire, we sit under a tall tree, that's our favorite hangout spot.

aire is leaning on the tree trunk while me with isla sit across from her on the grass, so isla can braid my hair into two braids.

"how did it go? the nursery? did chiron put you in charge of that boy as a punishment? and what about grover? have y'all talked yet?" isla asked.

"no, chiron hasn't actually even mentioned the thing with the ares's kids, it was weird since annabeth was fully convinced that he knew what happened the whole time" i speak my mind "and grover, also a no, we didn't have time to talk yet"

"that's crazy, watch it be something way bigger behind all of this" aire speaks while eating an apple.

isla remains silent.

"also, mea, somebody saw you guys fighting in the forest" aire paused with a grin.

somebody has definitely made something up.

"well, aire, okay, nobody saw the fight" i could feel isla shaking her head.

"they said that the children of war ran off like little—" aire says while laughing.

"yeah you get the image" isla smiled while interrupting her.

they're not going to be happy about these rumors.

but are they rumors?

i smiled for myself.

𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐚; percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now