Part 6: The Test Subject

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Date: June 16th 2022

Poppy walks out of Devin's room.

"Too much drama for me." Poppy shrugs.

"Devin, explain why you don't trust him." Jade said.

"Jade are you kidding, he's the son of Ocean Starling and Vincent Williams, more specifically Ocean Starling." Devin said.

"So??" Jade said, failing to see Devin's reasoning.

"Are either of them known for being trustworthy people?" Devin asked, knowing what Jade will say.

"Ok are the king and queen good people? No, but trust me Devin, I don't think Zero is like them." Jade said, trying to convince Devin.

"So you're really going to trust the guy who can probably win against all of us combined in a fight, and especially give him more knowledge and more power?" Devin said, against the idea.

"Why can't you just be more trusting of other people for once?" Jade said, storming out of Devin's room.

"Jade wait-" Devin said, attempting to reach out to Jade.

Devin sighs.

Jade goes into her room.

Jade starts drawing flowers and they come to life, but not realistic.

"I hate being the most useless family member."Jade said, in anger.

"Ruby can make fire, predict people's future and see the past, and can turn into a ghost, The queen can use ice powers and summon a amazing shield that's near indestructible." Jade said, listing off everyone's powers.

Jade takes a breath.

"And then Poppy I don't know her powers are exactly but she has similar ones to her mom besides the fire powers, then Selena can mind control people, see the past and turn into a ghost, Devin can control the entire ocean and make this planet underwater if he wanted, Skylar can exploit emotions, Violet can make flowers and Zero had every power." Jade said, having to take multiple breaths during her talking.

"Yet my greatest power is only being able to draw stuff and it comes to life, but I need absolutely perfect detail so I may as well just be powerless." Jade continued.

Jade sighs.

"Well I guess I could go somewhere, before I go to bed" Jade said.

Jade puts on her jacket and grabs her bag and puts it on.

Jade turns off the light to her room and teleports.

Jade teleports into the woods.

The woods at first glance is dark, mysterious place.

Jade walks near a tree, touching it.

The tree's roots start glowing the colors of the rainbow.

The woods appear to be slightly less darker but still rather dark.

Jade walks deeper into the woods and starts to draw in her journal.

The drawing comes out of the journal and it comes to life.

The roots of the tree start to glow more yellow but still having roots of the rainbow, and the tree starts to have a glowing yellow star in the middle.

A life sized line-art drawing of Madison Stsrling appears in front of Jade.

A glowing outline, the drawing starts to have flowing long blonde hair.

Jade closes her journal and puts it in her bag.

Rainbow Family Book 1 by LovedLovingLiaWhere stories live. Discover now