Act 1-who are you?

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"It's so quiet, where am I?" Milo asked aloud as he realized he was floating in an empty space. Milo, a young boy age 16. He was small for a kid his age. Only 5'8. Scrawny arms and only about 120 pounds. He has a soft voice and an even more frail frame. He began to think about the last thing he could remember. The image flashed into his head as he relived his last memory. A couple was arguing on the side walk. The man was yelling at a woman who was in tears and a small little girl was trying to pull her mother away from the irate man. Her little fingers slipped from her mothers dress and she tumbled into the street. The arguing parents didn't even realize what had happened. Milo was watching the whole thing as he saw the little girl beginning to cry. There was a horn honking as a large delivery truck that was speeding down the road didn't see the girl until too late. Milo dashed with everything he had in him and leaped towards the little girl pushing her out of the way. The last thing he saw was the lights of the truck reflecting off her face as her hand outstretched towards Milo and the world Milo had knew was gone. "Yeah that's right, that little girls gonna get to live. That makes it worth it but I was hoping to go somewhere a little more bright" the reality was sinking in for Milo. The emptiness of the void that he was in was earrirly silent. At least I can get some rest finally. Milo stretched out his body and began to relax as his body continued to drift through the dark void. Just as he closed his eyes he could hear a laugh. Milo shot up realizing he wasn't alone. He circled around a few times looking for anything in the darkness. The voice came from above "you've only been here a short time and your first thought is to sleep? Maybe I made a mistake in choosing you after all" Milo looked up to see the darkness begin to fade away, a creature that he couldn't recognize revealed itself. It had a raven like head with a large curved beak, A mask that only covered its eyes with a oversized pointy hat on. He carried a large staff with a sharp point on the end and a shield in the other. He wore armor that was a shiny black metal. It had a gold trip around the sockets of his body with a red number across his stomach that said 11.3. Milo was in awe at the creature. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Taking a second to calm himself Milo took a deep breath and stood up straight. He watched the creature float down until it was eye level with him. "Hello, my name is Milo. Idk who you are but it sounds like you're the one who brought me here?"

"So you're a sharp one I see. Maybe my brother was right about the smart ones are the most lazy. Anyway my name is...", the creature paused for a minute thinking of how to say his name in Milo's language, "you can call me Death. In your world id be similiar to what you call the grim reaper. I am a god in the world you're going to. I use to be human but after fusing my soul to get enough power to conquer the world I grew bored. I chose to let the world evolve and see how it turns out. Unfortunately i was sealed here in this pergatory looking over two worlds. After 9 centuries I found you. Someone who has the energy similiar to mine. If you want i can return you to your world. You can be a "miracle" and live a regular boring life. If you go to my world i can grant you power, my only request is that you save the world. I've failed here but you can make a difference for me. The choice is yours young Milo"

Milo began to think to himself. If i go back to earth what do i have to live for? Parents that are never home, a school full of girls that don't like me? Or to be alone and grind for a dead end job and hope to retire at 60?"

"What kind of power?" Milo asked almost too eagerly.

Death smiled at the quick response. "Currently there are three evils in the world. There is a great dragon that has taken over the entire western area of the world. The people that can't afford to move live in fear as they face daily slaughter. They've resorted to sacrificing live stock, first borns, and anything to get the dragon to give them peace. Let me ask you boy, do you want to be a hero?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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