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Claude poked his head into Pearl's room. "Delivery arrived downstairs, Mum."

The CEO nodded, rose, and sauntered out to the supervisory balcony. Together the two looked down on the main floor where staff attended their duties.

"Shall we go down now, Mum?"

"No. They're making such a racket." Pearl sniffed in disdain. "When they haul away the packing materials to dispense, then we'll descend. Ah, I see they've adjusted the blinds to let in more natural light, as requested. Good."

"Now?" Claude asked when the last of the staff tromped heavy-footed out of the main chamber.

"Now." Pearl regally descended the stairway.

Claude fidgeted along in her wake. "Now, now, now," he muttered.

Taking CEO privilege, Purrrl went straight to the container bathed in sunshine. She peered inside, deemed it acceptable, and leaped in. She circled to fit, curling her tail most contentedly around her legs.

Claude (often referred to, by staff, as Mr. D. Clawed Pattypaws) chose another container, one with flaps, and dove into its maw, only to pop his head out again and survey the scene. New boxes! About time. The last set hadn't lasted long.


Prompt: boxes

CEO: Cat-Exalted Overlord

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