4. Lucky Ring.

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Staying behind his old, custom race car, I couldn't help but smile as he swerved a few inches to each side.

It was little Nascar tricks that were used back in his prime racing days that made me question if he was actually in his mid-thirties or if he was well over fifty.

After a few laps, he began to slow down. So I locked in again, taking orders from the Crew Chief as he guided me past McQueen and into first.

The first half of the race felt like a breeze, like it always did. It was always calm in the first half. But now, all of the five racers would fight for the podium. So I drove a little faster.

183 miles. Then to 187 miles.

McQueen began to drag behind, and I scoffed as he drove into the pit for a quick tire stop.

"He shoulda known it was too early for shenanigans like that." I spat, forgetting that the crowd could hear what I was saying, if it was broadcasted.

My chief didn't respond to the statement, so I began to hum some music I remembered from my playlist.

"Y/n." The chief scolded. "Focus."

"I am focusing. This is my focus song. It's called Fame."

"Seriously?" He questioned, as if he didn't believe me, the trained driver.

"Yeah, from an oldie artist- I think." I replied, my voice showing no hint of emotion. I kept my eyes in front, around, and behind me- watching all angles of my car at once.

The radio went silent and stayed quiet for quite some time.

For the last pit stop before the last thirty-some laps, everyone was fighting for first place.

I ran speeds faster than 190 miles per hour, keeping ahead of the group by a good half second. I didn't want to speed up too fast, so I could keep the surprise until the finals.

But to my surprise, McQueen suddenly sped far faster than my speeds, overtaking my race car.

Pissed, I focused on him and watched my speedometer, counting the miles grow higher and higher.

"Y/n, eyes up!" My chief warned in a loud voice.

I was so distracted watching my speedometer, that I saw my front end drive straight towards the wall. Swerving, the tires lost traction and started drifting sideways before flipping over and over again. I couldn't hear anything except the blood rush through my ears as the pressure strained in my back.

I could feel exactly when I was in the air, and when I was slammed into the blacktop again. I could also feel when two other cars rammed into mine, causing a pileup of three cars.

Mine was left upside down, the roof of the car slowly caving in under the weight. It got so low I had to lean into the wheel after unbuckling, just to have space for my back.

The infield paramedics came quickly, and a cold mist blew through the net window of my car. That's when I realized there was a fire they had to put out.

Once it was maintained, I heard a voice try to talk to me. I could hear them, but not what they were saying. The noises of metal scrapping against the concrete and then silence as i flew through the air was still fresh in my mind.

A paramedic opened the net window and grabbed my arm, helping me out of the overheated and crammed upside-down vehicle.

Barely able to breathe, I scrambled to my feet and stumbled forward, looking back at the car.

My hands began to sting, and I could feel my head spin faster than my car did. On my hands and knees, a hand was placed on my back and another around my forearm to help me up.

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