Heed not the smith, in his artifice lies thy doom

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Solas was considering the possibility that the elf was insane.

Several minutes had passed and the dalish still was just gaping between him and Varric, occasionally laughing hysterically and then spiralling closely into a verge of tears. It was as if he was not believing what he was seeing. His bewilderment and agitation were honest, Solas could tell, but why seeing a dwarf and an elf caused such a reaction? He himself was one! The dalish was also still talking to himself in this strange, melodic language of his, but again, the ancient understood none of it.

Maybe the power of the Anchor was not only taking a toll on his body, but also his mind? He had to admit - when he had examined him before, he had focused entirely on his physical health. It is...

"... not Dwarven, for sure. Never heard shit like that." Varric interrupted his thoughts with a louder remark.

"Not elven either, or any dialect of it that I am aware of." Solas confirmed and shared his other speculations with the group. "I haven't previously taken that into consideration, given his physical condition, but the Mark might have affected his mind. To draw power from the Fade and keep it, or use it usually takes mages years of practice and not all of them succeed. And for someone who previously had presumably no contact with it, as he is not a mage, obtaining the Mark might have caused damage.... " He paused for a moment. The unfortunate dalish started a new one-sided rant, now focused on the ancient elf. He was looking at him with some clear intent, repeating a couple of absurd phrases over and over: river dale? Or was it riften dale? More door?

"As I was saying, magic requires willpower, intellect, patience, and great care. An unprepared mind, confronted with the Mark, might have simply been overwhelmed with such raw power of the fade itself. The initial contact with the Mark caused this energy to course through not only his hand, but also his mind and might have effectively..."

"Fried it?" Varric finished bluntly. He was looking at the dalish, something like pity and dread forming on his face.

Solas managed to only nod, suddenly also feeling sick at the prospect. He didn't agree with the dalish and had visited enough clans to know that they ventured far from the truth, but he didn't wish such faith to anyone.

Foolish, foolish wolf! How many more will have to suffer in the name of your failure? How many more will you sacrifice on the altar of your pride, to burn for your mistakes? Was one civilization not enough for you? Maybe it was another mistake to seal the Evanuris behind the Veil? You just should have sealed yourself to be done with it! You know that you cannot change the prophecy, it would be -

"Well, even if that is the case-" Cassandra's stern voice was like a hand, dragging him up above the surface of his drowning thoughts. "-he still has the Mark. Insane or not, we need him to close the Breach. Solas, can you help with that when we get him near the Breach?"

He only nodded.

"My scouts and I will prepare the way. I will be waiting at the camp near the temple." Stated Leliana and headed out.

"Varric, your cooperation is appreciated but it is no longer needed. Wait – "

"Not a chance, Seeker. The situation in the valley is shit – you are ass-deep in demons and your soldiers no longer control the area. You need me." Varric countered, smug as always and winked at Cassandra.

The Seeker made a loud noise of utter disgust but didn't argue her point further. She gestured to the four guards stationed in the dungeon. Two of them lifted the elf, holding him under his arms, two others secured the trio from behind while Cassandra, Varric and him were leading the group.

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