☾chapter one☽

16 3 1

you can justify anything
if you do it poetically


The snow that was falling had piled up, making it hard to walk through. The small blue figure kicked up the delicate flakes with little care, racing through the built up powder. Across the hollow were deep, frozen puddles. To the small kit, they looked as big as lakes, as they stared into it's depth. "Bluekit!" A shrill, high-pitched voice interupted. "Bluekit! Bluekit! Come back! Mums gonna be mad! It's too cold!" The cat chasing after Bluekit stopped and sneezed before rushing towards him once more.

Bluekit looked up, looking around in confusion, who had called out to him? He glanced from side to side before noticing the other kit rushing towards him. Bluekit sighed, rolling his eyes "Go away Snowkit, I don't care what mum says. I don't want to have to be stuck in the nursery with you" he groaned, flinging a pawful of snow at the other kit. It hit Snowkit right on the nose, covering the white kit in more white snowflakes than before.

"Don't be mean! I'm telling dad!" Snowkit whined, wiping the snow off her muzzle and shaking it out of her ears. Snowkit gave her brother a glare.

Bluekit just looked away, "This is why I don't want to be near you, you're so boring and fussy!" He snapped, gathering more snow in his paws and hurling more snow at his sister. "If you're that much of a mouse-heart go tell dad, I emplore you." He mewed sarcastically.

"You sound stupid trying to use fancy words!" Snowkit insulted him, dodging the snowball. 

"Nuh uh, I don't sound anything like you."

"I'm not stupid!"

"Yes you are." Bluekit said nonchalantly.

"No!" Snowkit was riled up, narrowing her eyes.

"Yeah, you are."

Fed up, Snowkit rushed off to find their father, who would surely give Bluekit an earful. Bluekit just rolled his eyes again, Snowkit was always so sensitive. He didn't get why his parents liked her more, he was clearly the better sibling.

Bluekit just walked off, he'd hide for a while to prolong his scolding. He shimmied his way behind the warriors den, behind the thick brambles that pushed him against the caverns wall, he never really minded the pain, it was a good distraction from the fact he couldn't feel his paws anymore. And the thoughts contantly flooding his mind of course.

Bluekit sat by one of the very few unfrozen puddles, watching a dead leaf float around in it. He put his paw in the puddle, unbothered by the cold feeling. Swishing his paw around the leaf moved with it. He was fasinated by it, for no particular reason. He has always hated leaves in the new-leaves, they were too green. Sometimes he could swear he could hear them talking and gossiping about him, he always tried to climb trees and rip them out. They were... they were just...

Too alive, too real.

Bluemoon scoffed, removing his paw and then pushing it down harshly onto the leaf, holding it underwater until it completly crushed. He hated being reminded he was a living, breathing creature. Somtimes he wished he could sit in a corner and watch the world move on without him. Sometimes he wished that he was never born into a clan, he much would rather to be a leaf, observing them. He also hated a lot of other things though, so these thoughts were insignificant to him. He hated fish, and the taste of birds, and new-leaf and greenleaf.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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