Chapter 2

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**Dear readers, here is Chapter 2. I hope you enjoy it; finally, the two mates meet.**

The next morning, I opened my eyes very irritated by the alarm on my phone. I lifted my head from the pillow, reached for the phone, turned it off, and then I put my head back on the pillow, turning to the other side of the bed. I was still very tired after last night's party.

"I hate morning alarms."

But after five minutes, another alarm went off.

I grabbed the pillow next to me and covered my ears with it, then threw it against the wall.

It was Aras's alarm. It took me two seconds, then I got out of bed and ran out of the room to get to the bathroom first.

At the same time, Aras got up from the couch, getting ready to beat me to it.

We locked eyes just like in western movies, then both ran to the bathroom, reaching for the door handle at the same time and starting to push each other.

"Aras, move aside, I got here first."

"In your dreams, kiddo."

"Please, I'll be late for work."

"Then you should've woken up earlier." With that, he turned to me, grabbed my shoulders, and slipped his right leg behind mine.

I lost my balance and fell backwards. Before I could get up, he entered the bathroom and locked the door.

In frustration, I kicked the door, letting out a small scream of anger. From the other side of the door, I heard him laughing shamelessly.

"Next time, learn not to mess with the elders." He said from there.

I stormed off and headed for the couch, removed the blanket and pillow he slept on, and packed them up. Then I turned on the TV. After twenty minutes, he came out of the bathroom.

"Alright, you can go in."

I entered the bathroom without saying anything.

I wasn't upset. These things were part of our daily routine. That's just how we showed our love, by teasing each other.

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and then combed my hair before stepping out to get dressed.

I slipped on a pair of black jeans and a t-shirt, grabbed my phone from charging, put on my sneakers, and headed off to work.

I work at Alia's café; that's what I meant when I said she helped me get the job.

I unlocked the entrance door, then went to the kitchen to start up the machines. I plugged in the coffee machine and whatever else needed to be powered on, then went to the tables to arrange the chairs.

"Good morning!" A groggy voice greeted me from near the door, and I turned in that direction to find Logan, my coworker.

"Oh, hey," I replied as he joined me, adjusting the last three chairs.

"Happy belated birthday, by the way. How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Fine, thanks," I replied.

"Good to hear. So, how did..." He was interrupted by his phone ringing. "Excuse me, hello!"

I headed towards the door to flip the sign to "open," then back to the kitchen as I noticed the first customer approaching.

"So, have you found out who your mate is yet?" Logan asked, coming up after me behind the counter.

"Not yet, and honestly, I'm not in a hurry to find out. You know I have more important things to do," I replied.

"Yeah, I know, but these things are unpredictable. You never know where they might come from."

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