Scene one:

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(Superstar daycare. Bright lights and loud music. Enter Sun and Moon)
(Moon wakes up. Sun is already wondering around)
Moon: I.... I did it. Free.... At last...

Sun: Oh Moon! Your awake!

Moon: (happy) Thank God your okay!
(They hug)

Sun: Of course I am Moony! You said I would be okay and I am! (Look Moon up and down) I thought you were black and purple to be honest.

Moon: nah. Blue, yellow and black baby! I also left that knife arm in you in case a child gets stuck in rope.

Sun: you sure? .... Okay?

Sun: well. I was wondering if you wanted to look after the kids with me! We've never done it and if you want you can do naptime again!

Moon: I wanted to meet them but... this body feels different. I can help tomorrow!

Sun: it's like your saying that your body is like a new shoe

Moon: what?

Sun: never mind. I'll see you later then!

Moon: see you later!

Sun: have fun exploring!

(Exit Moon. Children enter)


Sun: awww look at all of these little stars! How faztastic it is to see you!

(All exit. Background fades to mindscape. Eclipse enters dragging Bloodmoon who is powered off.)

Eclipse: (talking to self) Right. Just need to finish a few of his wire-

Bloodmoon: (voice one. Gasp for air) what the-!

(Eclipse jumps back slightly shocked)

Eclipse: Jesus Christ. Your not meant to be awake. Well sooner than I wanted. Welcome to the land of the living Bloodmoon.

Bloodmoon: (second voice) stupid orange man! Let us up!

(Eclipse let's him up. Bloodmoon jumps at him. Grabs Eclipses arm and chews on it)

Eclipse: get. Off.

Bloodmoon: NO! We need bloody maime! Blood! Blood! Blood!

Eclipse: FINE! Just let my go. (They bite him) NO! JUST LISTEN TO ME! Go touch that glowing cube. You'll be in control of someone called Sun. He's working in a daycare filled with childr- (bloodmoon is already gone to the cube and left) BLOODMOON!

Where the hell did he go? (Bloodmoon jumps him from behind)  WHAT DID YOU DO! (Sound like a girl screaming then cough) sorry.

Bloodmoon: little child kicked and screamed, head ripped off nice and clean.

(Eclipse and Bloodmoon exit. Back to the daycare. Sun is on the floor surrounded by bits of child. Sun is in the middle. Enter Moon)

Moon: hey Sun I heard screaming are you o-
(Sun looks to face Moon. His face red with blood)

Sun: I.... What have i done! (Everything freezes. Sun stands up)

So... July 16th... not really a fun day for us. As much as I despise talking about this, it's time I give you more of an explanation. (Moon leaves as the stage dims. Backstage get body parts off) at first, i always thought that I was now a danger. I had just blacked out and killed kids k mean. Innocent ones too. We had the daycare closed for cleaning and safety checks on me. Moon didn't leave my side. I was petrified. After we reopened the daycare, Moon kept a very close eye on me. I slowly began to pass out more and Moon kept asking me what was going on.  Moon then later found out who was causing this.
(End of scene)

Thank you all for reading my first part of this! It's been a dream to write scripts and why not start with my favourite thing! If you can tho k of any ideas from after the wither storm please give me some! I'm starting my 13th page of this and I really want you all to enjoy it. Please do tell me any improvements and don't be scared to give me any grammar or spelling corrections, it makes the story better for others!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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