Yūki & a full ass romanian author

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Yūki (by mir)

(have fun with this because i was planning to submit him in a applyfic but then realized i cannot because im not chrinically online so i made this for almost nothing 💪💪)

FULL NAME: Goes by Yūki (youll see in the backstory)
ALIAS: Yukio

AFFILIATES: Armed Detective Agency

GENDER: male
PRONOUNS: he/him
SEXUALITY: Aromantic Asexual

AGE: 101
BIRTHDATE: August 15
ZODIAC SIGN (:33): Leo

PERSONALITY: relaxed, doesn't really take anything seriously, childish

LIKES: Foxes, lakes, fish, spicy food.
DISLIKES: children.

STRENGTHS: Can tell when someone is lying, can talk to foxes.

WEAKNESSES: Doesn't know most normal things, doesn't know how to write, cannot think strategically.

BACKSTORY (oooh boy this is a weird one, buckle up!): At first he was a fox. He got picked up by a scientist and got tested on until he became a kitsune. Then the laboratory he was being tested at left him alone in the nearby woods. He has no memories of before waking up alone in the woods. He gave himself the name "Yūki" but he never actually had a name.

IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN HIS LIFE: foxes. And Mihai, but mostly foxes

MENTAL ILLNESS/DISABILITY: Autism, thought not very noticable.

LOVE INTEREST: AroAce, doesn't feel love so 💔💔

HOBBIES: fishing, annoying Kunikida

HABITS: being late to work, talking to foxes, going on long walks.

MANNERISM: Very... uh, chill may I say? He isn't the type to act all formal with anyone.

QUOTES: "It's not a kitsune without the tail an' ears!"

"OH GOD- I thought that was something else! It's just.... oh, it's a dead body."

AESTHETIC: He just wears what he feels good in, but tries to stylize it (and fails miserably without help)

WHY AND HOW DID THEY JOIN THE AGENCY?: Simple, someone from the agency (Mihai) found him, told him where they worked and then Yūki was like "No way, that's so so cool! I wanna do that!" and now he's here.

ABILITY: He doesn't actually have one, check backstory to see why (im too lazy to explain)

EXTRAS: He's constantly seen around Mihai, another member of the Armed Detective Agency. It's said that Mihai os watching over the fox boy.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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