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Copyright 2024 IV Republic Reigns: Star Wars fan fiction is a work of non-profit fan-made fiction. Star Wars, its characters, creatures, locations, and all other elements there of are the exclusive property of Lucasfilm Ltd. and The Walt Disney Company. This story derives solely from existing works and is not endorsed by or affiliated with Lucasfilm Ltd. or The Walt Disney Company. All original elements, including original characters, stories, and images within this work are the sole property of ME (IV) unless otherwise stated. No copyright infringement is intended. This story may be freely distributed with this disclaimer preserved in its entirety.


The Skyriver Galaxy had many rules yet perhaps none more influential than the dark Banite Rule of an era of unprecedented republican and Jedi prosperity 200 years after the New Sith wars their last waning hidden vessels' unlit chronology stood as this.

Darth Bane was born as Dessel on the Outer Rim world Apatros as a poor cortosis miner. However, after showing exceptional connection to the Force, he was trained in the dark side traditions under various Sith Masters before embracing the title of Darth. Appalled at the constant in-fighting diluting the Sith Order's dominion during the New Sith Wars (1000 BBY), Bane devised the sacred Rule of Two - only two Sith Lords could exist in one span--A master to personify power and an apprentice to covet its magnific allure.

After studying long-forgotten Sith techniques from relics on Dxun, Darth Bane sought to reconstitute the Sith in secret. On the Mid Rim world of Ruusan, he unleashed a mighty Force ability known as the Thought Bomb that seemingly swabbed out the strained Brotherhood of Darkness, as well as the Jedi Army of Light. Wiping out all Force Sapients with one move on the planet. Though suspected dead, Bane escaped with his new apprentice - the female prodigy Darth Zannah - to rebuild the Sith Order over the next decade.

When Bane and Zannah eventually dueled for supremacy, Zannah proved stronger by embracing her Sith sorcery fully, striking him from history in a battle for his new secret apprentice Cognus. After taking Darth Cognus, an Iktotchi female, as her own apprentice, Zannah engineered intricate plots to infiltrate the budding Republic expansion. they monitored for Jedi complacency. Over a century, the secrecy of the Rule of Two preserved the Sith, until Cognus took her own apprentice upon defeating her master Zannah --the conjurer Darth Millennial....he fractured the sacred rule of Bane and was cast out for starting his own dark cult.

Leaving Cognus in shadowy search of a new apprentice amongst the stars, a Hidden yet dark presence felt throughout the inner and outer rims of the galaxy. This unbroken chain of master and apprentice ensured that when the Sith finally revealed themselves again, their power would no longer be diluted as in eras past. Such was Darth Bane's cunning vision to resurrect Sith's domination over the Galaxy even if no one lived to know of their existence...

Yet still in the year 800 BBY the Galactic Republic's hem was fraying. For centuries, Coruscant dazzled the Cosmos' core with shining riches, sophisticated arts, and the Coalition's united protection. Yet few Mid and Inner Rim systems grasped that their eden teetered on the backbone of unrestrained imperialism.

The diversities between Coruscant's luminescent cityscape and Dantooine's rustic open plains could not be more stark. Where the Core World basked in gleaming monumental skyscrapers and hummed with ultra-modern industry, the ramshackle settlers' hamlets occupied only sparse clearings in Dantooine's rolling green hills. Yet this untamed frontier increasingly fell under the Republic's covetous gaze - its bountiful resources of cortosis and indigenous population ripe for exploitation by intergalactic corporate prospectors.

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