Finding others (pt.2)

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sorry this took so long to come out, school.


Third-Person POV:

The Mysterious dwarf planet looked at Pluto cautiously before smirking

Well then Plu-to. They said while flicking Plutos forehead

Ow! Pluto cried before holding his forehead

My name is Quaoar nice to meet ya. Quaoar said smugly while holding out his hand

Well it's nice to meet you Quaoar and? Pluto said while looking up at small figure on Quaoar shoulder

Hm? Oh! Meet Weywot my one n only moon. Quaoar said confidently

Hello! Pluto waved at the small moon, Weywot
Waved back.

Well..It was nice meeting you two but I've really gotta get back to the others..wait maybe we could go together! Makemake would go berserk once he sees another dwarf planet! Pluto rambled on excitedly.

Hmm sure I guess. Quaoar shrugged before floating up to Pluto

Why would I leave such a lonely dwarf planet like you around hear? Quaoar said while placing a finger beneath Plutos chin before flicking it upwards.

Besides it gets boring when your all alone.
Quaoar said while shrugging some more, Weywot seemed to be offended.

Ok? Lets just go. Pluto annoyed said while floating back to base with Quaoar in toe.

And also one last question, do you know any other dwarf planets around here? Pluto said while looking back at Quaoar.

Quaoar stopped before putting on the signature smirk again.

Oh? Well I do know one around here.

I woke up with my arm numb today 👍🏾

Word count: 253

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