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Or: Percy and Leo get sucked into the Minecraft multiverse and end up meeting Grian.


"Percy, could you give me the screwdriver please?"

Leo's voice echoed through bunker 9, sounding spooky against the cold stone of the walls. Percy made a move to grab the thing Leo asked for when he stopped, looking at an old artifact in the form of a ring.

"Hey Leo, do you know what this ring does?"

"Don't touch that! Per-"

It was too late, Percy pushed the button on the ring, and below Percy and Leo 2 portals appeared. Leo jumped, trying to avoid it, but failed. The 2 fell into the portal and everything went black for a few seconds, before the light hit their eyes again and they saw where they were. A bustling hub filled with people carrying around swords, shields, bows and overall a diverse amount of weapons.

"Hey Mumbo, do you know where we are?" Percy said.

"What are you on about? My name isn't Mumbo, its-" Leo replied, not understanding why Percy was suddenly calling him by another name.

"Shush, we are in a place where we've never been before and we don't know if they're nice." Percy tried to explain why he called Leo, Mumbo.

He hoped he made it clear enough, but Leo's look of understanding gave him the confirmation he needed.

"Your name is Scar then." He joked, laughing at Percy's face.

The 2 looked around once more, and then Leo spotted a glowing ring, not far away from Percy, or now Scar.

"Hey, the ring came with us! Quick, grab it Per- Scar."

Percy also looked over, and saw the ring as well. He picked it up, accidentally pressing the button that brought them here again. And another portal opened, sucking them both in.


(Grian's POV)

Grian sighed as he started working on the back of his base (Shocking, I know). He really didn't want to do it, but somehow the others convinced him to do it. He sadly was a man of his word and didn't like breaking promises. So that's how, on a Saturday afternoon, he was building.

It was actually quite peaceful. Just him, the blocks, and the earth.

That peace was broken when a scream echoed from the sky, "Curse you Water Boy!!!!!!!!!!"

He looked up, and there was an elf and something resembling a vampire falling from great height, a portal shining in the sky.


"Just do your magic stuff and make sure we don't die!"

The elf tried to do something but failed, judging by his face at least. Grian didn't know what was happening, but he did know the elf and vampire guy would die if they kept getting closer to the ground.

"My powers don't work! Can't you make something with your toolbelt?" The elf guy sounded calmer than before.

Grian didn't know how he could be so calm when they were falling to their deaths at a rapid pace. At that moment he decided that he would catch them midair and took off with his wings. He managed to catch the vampire looking guy, but he was too heavy and Grian couldn't also make sure the other one didn't die.

But he didn't have to.

The elf guy adopted a focused expression and put his hands to the side, then his eyes started glowing. By the time he had made it to the ground a 3 block high pillar of water had formed that caught his fall.

Grian didn't even know that it was possible to do that.

"Hey, dude that caught my friend!" The elf guy screamed from below, "Could you please put him on the ground?"

Grian put him down, dumbfounded how the 2 fell out of the portal and why. The 2 acted as if it was normal to fall through random portals and fall from great heights without wings!

"Per- Scar. You look different." The vamp said, "You look more like an elf from Lord of the rings and I think the mist doesn't work here because all the Scars are visible."

The guy cursed in a language unknown to Grian. It sounded like greek but there was too big of a difference. Ancient Greek perhaps? "You also look different. You have a pale complexion and more muscle, your hair color also changed. And of course the scars." The elf guy, Perscar? replied to the vampire person.

Grian was baffled.

"I guess we should figure out where we are now." Perscar, or something said. They turned to Grian.

"Hello, I am Scar and this is Mumbo. Could you tell us where we are please?"


So yeah, that's the prologue, hope you all enjoyed it. I have my own Watcher AU so no tips on that further you are free to give tips.

My greatest thanks to my beta reader Mx_Bitz. They were a great help! Here are some of my favourite beta reader quotes:

"Fuck sake Percy!"

"Mumbo, I swear-"

"Yes Grian, that's his name lol. Perscar."

I'll see you on the other side of the page!

-Aureus Snowfall

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