Ask 2

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Straw: @Kaniharitama(you're the only one here xD) asks: "Have you a sex tape that i can watch :3"

Mika: A... what?

Yuu: *blushes* W-What is this for a question?!

Shinoa: *sigh* Unfortunately I forgot my camera. Too bad, sorry.

Yuu: You really thought about recording it?!

Straw: So, as it seems noone has-

Ferid: I have one!

Mika: You're still here?

Yuu: Mika... He's creepy...

Ferid: I'm just... What do you humans call it again? Fangirling?

Mitsuba: You're a man. You can't "fangirl"...

Mika: Ferid. You creeped out Yuu-chan.

Ferid: Come on. I just-

Mika: I have to kill you for that.

Straw: Poor Ferid. But he's a vampire so I just hope it won't take too long for him to heal. *coughs* Anyways. Ask, dare or truth them~

Ask, dare or truth MikayuuWhere stories live. Discover now