A real man

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Milo's pov
Me and Dakota have been apart from each other for a few days, no reason but we just have and that's okay. I've learned that breaks can help your relationship because being up under each other everyday can make you start feeling irritated by little things but that's not always the case, take Hayes and Asher for example, they need to see each other everyday or they get this intense longing for each other, well that's what Hayes told me but for me I need to take a short break every few days or I'll gain a desire for you to leave me alone and Dakota feels the same way so it works.

Everest's pov
Me and Ryan have chem classes together and that's really the only time I see him in school because he's on a different floor. Today we wore matching star hair clips and he looked so cute, he always gives me long hugs and he takes me to the store for slushes. Today me and him are going to do a vlog!

Everest: Hi! I'm Everest and this is our vlog!
Ryan: And I'm Ryan!
Everest: Oh yeah this is my boyfriend Ryan and we're wearing matching hair clips!
Ryan: Yep we're in chem class right now and we'll be back next time we see each other
Time skip
Everest: Hey vlog! We're back and we're at practice now! : )
Ryan: Yep and if Everest scores a goal I promised her crumble cookie
Everest: Okay look babe! *she scores*
Ryan: Crumble cookie it is
Everest: Yeah!
Time skip
Everest: We're back!
Ryan: Hey vlog!
Everest: We just got our cookies and we're going to try them now! I got the pink sugar cookie!
Ryan: And I got the chocolate cake batter! (They took a bite and said it was good)
Everest: Can I try a bite of yours?
Ryan: Sure babe : )
*She took a bite and said it was good but when Ryan looked back at the camera he was blushing*
Time skip
Ryan: Okay vlog that was our full day! Now we're on FaceTime!
Everest: We have like no classes together so it was short but ya! : )
Ryan: Bye vloggggg
Everest: BYE BYEEE! : )

Avery's pov
Me and Caleb still talk and barley nothing has changed but he's starting to keep his distance. I don't blame him at all because I deserve it but I'm trying to do better, I love Caleb and should do anything for him but having to beg him to take me back made me stop for a second like "Is this right? Am I, Avery Myers begging a guy to stay with me? How embarrassing" I don't know but I feel like my pride is stopping me from putting in to much effort "Do you ever have problems putting your pride away when you did something wrong?" I ask my twin and he says "Definitely, all the time but when your wrong your wrong so you can't beat around the bush about it" and I guess he's right but I don't know

Asher's pov
Hayes always ties my shoes without me asking him and he's starting to take actual care of Rocket. He needs to stop sassing me though whenever he talks I can feel vibrations "It's not my fault you don't have a deep voice" he says and I think I'm going to stop calling him "My boyfriend" and call him "My man" instead. We're in class and I'm flirting with him instead of doing my work "I thought you were pretty for me to look at you, I can't look if you keep covering your face" I said putting my hand on his cheek while he's looking away from me "Your cute" I said and he thought for a second then smiled while uncovering his face, he grabbed my hand and took it off his face "Let's not forget who's the bottom here" he said while we both smiled

Dakota's pov
I've tried to peaceful about this but apparently it's not working, IM NOT A GODDAMN GIRL! I'm not a "she" or a "her", I'm a "he" named Dakota! "That's my girl-" "Not a girl" "Boyfriend" I'm starting to have to correct Milo again because he says "I'm sorry, I know your a guy but my mind playing tricks on me, you look like a girl and everyone calls you a girl so my mind just says girl, I'm sorry" and that's not a bad excuse but I wouldn't believe him, luckily he's my boyfriend and I love him so I'll forgive him but I still have to ask "Tell the truth I won't get mad, do you still see me as a girl?" "Honestly....no, I see you as my boyfriend even though you would look good as a girl to" he laughs and that puts me at ease "You know....your voice is.....not deep at all" he says out of nowhere and I reply "What?! I thought it was" "It's not" "Not even a little?!" "No, sorry babe but you sound as girly as you look"

Dakota: Ashley guess what
Asher: What's up North Dakota
Dakota: Milo said my voice isn't deep!
Asher: That's crazy! Hayes said the same thing to me!
Dakota: How absurd!
Asher: Right! We have the most manliness voices ever!
Dakota: Exactly, they don't know what they're talking about
Asher: Just because I don't have so much base doesn't mean my voice isn't deep
Dakota: Right, Milo acts like just because people can't hear me talking from a mile away means my voice isn't deep
Asher: I asked Bryce why my voice isn't as deep as his and he said "iTs BeCaUsE yOuR a BoTtoM" like that has anything to do with it
Dakota: Mason said something like that to! I asked him how to get my voice deep like his and he said "WeLl FiRsT sToP bEiNg A bOTtOm" like shut up
Asher: We could top them easily we just don't want to
Dakota: Exactly, they need to start being grateful
Hayes: I hope y'all don't actually think that
Milo: Easily huh?

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