Parsnips and Pleasantries

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Hello! Again, This is my first sorry so please bear with me!
I'll be using they/them pronouns for the reader.


(F/F) = Favorite fruit


Beep beep beep beep...
                  Beep beep beep beep...

              The sound of an alarm rings in your ear. I guess it's time to get up for the day.
You thought as you streached your legs out and groned a bit, letting your arms reach up to the sky, clenching your fists. The alarm still ringing, you roll over and slap a hand down onto the top button of the alarm, making the sound stop. You let your arms back down back onto the bed and push yourself up to sit. A beam of morning sun shines onto your face making you squint and raise a hand up to your face. The mornings in the valley were more beautiful than any other you've experienced. You rememberd your first morning in Pelican town, the sun beeming through the windows and the birds chirping, a fond memory you thought about quite often. You've only been living here for a few days and it's already begining to feel like home.

     You roll your legs over the edge of the bed and walk over to your dresser where you carefully pick out a casual outfit for the day. You weren't planning on doing much other than going to Pierre's shop and possibly trying to meet other towns people. You'd met a good amount of people the past few days for having spent much time tending to your parsnips and cleaning up around the farm but you've heard people talk about others that you'd not met yet. You decided on a comfortable top and pants with a pair of casual pair of walking shoes. You looked into the mirror, fixing your hair a bit, then walked out of your room then into the kitchen where light creeped through the cracks between the curtains. Breakfast wasn't always your strongsuit so you grab a (F/F) from a small fruit bowl that was running empty. You had brought a bit of food with you just so you knew you had something to get you started but now it was starting to look like you'd have to work on growing your own food. You eat your (F/F) as you pick up a basket with the parsnips you had harvested yesterday, admiring how good they had grown. You swing the basket through your arm and head out of your home to begin your walk to Pierres, letting the sun warm your skin.

             A small bell gingles as you walk through the door of pierre's shop as you scan the inside for anyone familiar.
Pierre waves happily and smiles. "Hello farmer Y/N! It's nice seeing you! What do you have there?" He points curiously at the basket as you walk up to him with a grin spreading on your face.
"Hi Pierre! It's nice seeing you too!" You reach the counter and place the basket down letting Pierre look down excitedly.
"Oh my, these look amazing Y/N!" Pierre smiles up at you as you thank him. You and Pierre talk about how you've been doing and how much your parsnips were worth when the door swings open, the bell on it ringing qwickly.
A tall man with flowing auburn hair and sharp features walks in, brushing off his red coat. You were lost in thought while looking at him. He took your breath away with how charming he looked but Pierre begining to talk again pulled you back into reality. When you recived your money you told Pierre you would look around a bit to see if there was anything else you thought you needed.
  After some time of looking around you decided you didn't see anything worth buying so you begin to walk back over to the counter to say goodbye to Pierre, when you heard an unfamiliar deep voice. "I am so sorry Pierre I could have sworn I had brought enough for all I needed." His words were coated in worry.
"I've had to raise my prices a bit recently... you're sure you don't have enough?" Pierre sounding puzzled. you peak your head around the corner to see the tall man counting his G with a uneasy look on his chiseled face.
"How much do you need?"
Before you could react to yourself, you had walked over to where they were standing and spoke. The tall man looked down at you with a suprised expresion before quickly changing it to a gentle smile. "Oh, please don't worry! I'd hate to be a burden." His words come out slighty unsure as he spoke, making you shake your head. "No don't worry about it! It's really no problem." You smile and look down at the items he had picked out. It looked like there wasn't much that he needed so you take out around 200G and ready it in your hand. "Is 200G okay to pay for all of it?" You look over at Pierre and he nods, letting you hand the money to him. Pierre shuffles around for a moment then holds out his hand with your change. You look over at the tall man again.
  "You can have the rest. Please don't feel bad, I'm happy to help." You smile and begin to walk backwards to the door of the shop to try and stop any protest from the man. Before he could say anything you felt the door behind you letting you slip out, the bell jingle as it shuts.
           What just happened? You thought to yourself as you sighed a nervous breath. Did I really just talk to a handsome guy and pay for his grocerys?! His face lingered in your head, the thought of his soft green eyes made your heart flutter a bit as you began to walk home trying to shake the thought of romance out of your head. You had to stay focused on the farm.
            Yea... Focus...
You ended up thinking about him the rest of the day.

  Elliot's POV

            "Who was that Pierre?" Elliot turns to Pierre with a dumbfounded look on his face.
"That was farmer Y/N. They just moved in to the old farm above Cindersnap forest." Pierre explains as he hands Elliot the change. "Their grandfather gave them the land after he passed. They said they wanted to take over the farm and make him proud. It's really sweet what they're doing." He smiles.
Elliot thinks back to the farmers kind action. How they helped a complete stranger in a new town. The thought of their smile in his head makes him smile aswell.           
   "Well they seem like a very generous person." Elliot says as he collects his items from the counter.
"Oh!" Pierre qickly kneels down and pops back up with a small brown bag. "Let me put your stuff in here for you" Elliot thanks Pierre and leans against the counter, begining to space out.
What is something I can do to give my thanks to Y/N... I could try and... no... maybe I can...
"Elliot?" Pierre waves a hand in front of Elliots face.
"My apologies! I suppose I was lost in thought." Elliot smiles and grabs his bag. "Thank you for everything." He begins to walk away while waving goodbye.
            Pierre shouts a goodbye as Elliot pushes the door open, the sun spilling on his face.
    What could I do for them...


Thank you for reading!
I'm really gonna try and update this as much as I can but school is a mf-er lol.

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