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I looked up onto the small window up the dark room,
The only light that prevented the place from gloom,
I winced in pain as my stomach rumble from hunger,
I looked at the wall where I tallied the days I was here; and how much longer,
It was lonely and sad,
The shadows on the walls were the only friends I had.

But at last; the day came where the door opened,
You reached your hands onto me with those kind eyes; I thought that they will never rotten,
You pulled me outside where the world was,
It was something I did not want to last,
It was not dark just like the place I once knew,
It was something mesmerizing and new.

"The world is big"; I thought,
Your hands were warm and soft unlike mine that was rough,
You showed me numerous colours I had missed,
You made me exprience something I had desprately wished,
You made me look at the sky and told me it was blue just like my eyes,
It was mesmerizing and spectacular; I can't even calculate its size.

The breeze made their way to us,
Your brunette hair was blown by the wind with dust,
You laughed as you looked at me,
It was something I always wanted to see,
Warmth was the one you showed my heart,
The freedom you gave me was only just the start.

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