Chapter 47 - Mated Pair

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Josh flexes his fingers, nervously waiting his turn to fight. He arrived at Mystic Falls yesterday for the Delta trials. He knows it's a long shot that he will win, but like many other wolves, he wanted the opportunity to train with the greatly esteemed Alpha Knight. Ever since Lily left Silver Moon, he has felt restless and unsatisfied. The brief period he was able to train with Delta Ava, greatly improved his skills, and he realised how lacking Silver Moon's security force is. Delta Ava instilled in him the Mystic Falls' mindset, that a warrior should always train to be the best he can be. The late Delta had expressed that one not only needed to train hard physically but strive to improve a tactical mind too. That area was seriously lacking at Silver Moon. Josh is hoping that during the trials, Alpha Knight and Beta Jaxon will take notice of him, and perhaps even ask him to stay on at Mystic Falls permanently. It is well known that the Delta trials were not just to find a new Delta, but also served as a recruitment drive to find the best warriors to join their pack.

Josh glances over at Alpha Knight and Beta Jaxon who are standing on the sidelines, stoically watching the young warriors sparring each other. Alpha Knight is speaking in a low tone, while Beta Jaxon is holding a clip board and jotting down notes on each warrior. Josh can't help but blush a little at the sight of the pretty boy Beta. The blonde Beta is beautiful, with a high sculpted cheek and jawline, and sparkling blue eyes. The Beta is toned and lean, and his well-defined muscles are clearly outlined through his designer sweats. Josh shakes his head; this is not the time to be ogling another wolf. Josh has always known he is attracted to both sexes, which has confused him. He doesn't know whether his future mate will be a she-wolf or a male.

Time's up for the first group of sparring warriors, and the next set are called up. Josh makes his way to the mat and does a double take at the she-wolf before him. For a moment he thinks he is seeing the ghost of Delta Ava standing before him, but on closer inspection he realises the beautiful blonde she-wolf he is about to fight is a little shorter and her scent is different. "I'm not her, wolf!" says the female with a sneer. It's obvious she must get mistaken for the late delta all the time. The she-wolf jumps up and down a few times to warm up and then crouches low into a fighting stance, it's clear she wants to win. They circle each other around the mat, throwing out sly jabs here and there, both looking for an opening to strike. Alpha Knight and Beta Jaxon walk over to observe their fight, it's clear that are taking a keen interest in these two candidates.

"Faster," the Alpha urges as he glances down at his Garmin smartwatch and presses the timer "Christie, I want to see you hit all the pressure points on his body in order from top to bottom within one minute, let's see what this Silver Moon soldier has to offer". Jaxon sniggers, it's clear the Beta enjoys it when Caden gives the other packs a good hazing. Christie immediately does as instructed and fights him with perfect technique, her jabs, kicks, and punches connecting with his body almost too fast for him to catch her. Josh is impressed with her speed and agility. However, he is not lacking in skills, he has been training hard since the blood moon. All his free time has been used to hone his skills and further his technique, ready for this moment to impress Alpha Knight. He's able to move just a little too fast and every time she hits him, he's able to block her.

With a low grunt of frustration, Christie does a round house kick to Josh's chest. Josh manages to grab her foot and flip her over onto her back, he quickly grapples her on the ground trying to place her in a submission hold. Just as he manages to get her in a choke hold, he hears a she-wolf yell out "come on Christie, you can do it! Flip him like we practiced in training!" Josh freezes upon hearing the sweet-sounding female voice, and then her scent hits him. Strawberries and sandalwood, the most intoxicating aroma he's ever experienced. He looks up to see a beautiful petite Asian she-wolf, with long straight black hair, and almond shaped green eyes. They lock eyes and she gasps. Mate!

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