Chapter One

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"Does God put certain people in certain situations for a reason?" I looked over at Mia and couldn't help but tear up at the bruises on her body and face.

"Yea" I didn't feel like going all into detail on why because of our current situation.

"Then why us Loren? Why do we have to go through this everyday and night? Why did God choose us to be in this situation?"

I couldn't answer her at the moment , all I could do was hold her and let her cry. We sat for hours in that cold dark basement until Gina and Keysha found us.

I looked at the tall skinny white lady staring at me as she wrote down in her notepad. "That's the last thing I remember about that night" I stood up ready to exit her office.

"Wait Loren where are you going? You still have 30 minutes left" she fixed her rectangular shaped glasses on her boney face and raised her eyebrow.

"Look it's bad enough that I have to be here talking to some rich white woman about my personal situation when I know you can't relate. You have everything you could ever want or need so tell me how can you help my ass with this?"

Before she could say anything else I left. I looked down at myself and shook my head at my appearance. I sped walked all the way home afraid to hear any more rude comments. I made it to the beat up, piss smelling, three bedroom apartment and walked in. Keysha, Gina, and Mia all gave me sympathetic looks indicating my fate waiting on me when I walk into my aunts room.

"Bring your ass in here Loren!" My aunt yelled sounding like the devil himself. Tears ran down my face as my sisters held me tight before I walked into the room. I opened the door slowly and screamed before being beat unconscious.

I carefully opened my eyes to bright lights and a loud beeping sound. "She's awake!" I felt my sisters hug me gently before letting out huge reliefs. "What happened?" I asked.

"Loren there is something you should know first." Gina said while holding my hand. All of a sudden pain and guilt washed over me because I knew it was something bad.

"What is it?"

"You're pregnant"

All I could do was cry and cry because I knew I would be conceiving a baby that was created by rape and hatred.

My aunt walked into the room and immediately I started crying and begging for forgiveness.

"Shut up Loren I don't want to hear that shit, now tell this damn doctor that you're having an abortion!"

My sisters looked at me waiting on my answer because we didn't believe in them. I shook my head no and felt a hard sting across my face.

"Bitch you're pregnant by my damn man! You're having an abortion!"

"Ma'am you cannot hit a patient! I'm going to have to ask you to leave before I have security escort you out" as soon as those words left Dr. Shaun's mouth all hell broke loose.

"They are my damn property I own them! Matter of fact bring y'all black asses on!" she yelled.

Dr. Shaun called security and had our aunt put out. We were relieved but we knew it would be the death of us when we got home.

"Yall we can't go back there she'll kill me and this baby if we do, and I think this is our chance to get away from her." I looked at all my sisters with sorrow eyes hoping they will agree.

Gina opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by someone knocking at the door.

"Come in" Keysha yelled.

"Daddy?" We said in unison.

To say that all four of us were shocked would be a understatement.

I looked at the man who helped give me life and felt hatred towards him. Mia walked up to him and shook her head before leaving out the door.

"Baby girl wait let me explain myself" he pleaded

"Explain what? That you left us with a crack head and an abusive aunt that let us get raped by her own damn husband every damn day and night! That you never called to check on us or to even see if we were still alive! We wouldn't be in this hospital crying over Loren if it wasn't for you not being there! There is nothing for you to explain because you should have done that years ago!"

All I could do was stare because everything she said was true. I was numb to everything and all I really wanted to do was lay down and die. Our life has been nothing but hell on earth thanks to him.

"Look I know I can't take back all the pain and heartache that I caused you girls. I know that there isn't enough apologies that will make the pain go away or to fix the damage that has been done, but I promise I do want to make it up to y'all. I didn't know that your aunt was like that, and I guarantee that her and her sick ass husband will be dealt with. All I'm asking is for y'all to give me a second chance and to let me be here now. I left to protect y'all or else I wouldn't be here and neither would you."

We all looked at him before nodding our heads. "But where are we going to go?

"Y'all coming to live with me"

My sisters and I shared a look before looking back at him. Do we get to sleep on a air mattress?" Keysha asked.

"Yea it'll be a step up from the pallet on the floor at home" I chimed in.

Anger appeared in my father eyes as we spoke. "You mean to tell me y'all haven't been sleeping on a bed?" He asked.

We shook our heads no and I felt embarrassed.

He balled up his fist before releasing them and finally speaking. "I would never make my girls sleep on the floor if I can help it. All of you will have your own beds and separate rooms."

We looked at each other for a moment before agreeing. I hope everything goes well with this. We've been through enough pain already.

"Okay good, we'll leave as soon as you're released."

"Come on y'all lets let Loren get some rest" Mia said peeking her head around the door.

They all hugged me before leaving out the room. I guess I'll just lay here thinking about tomorrow.

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