Cold fever

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V was laying on the ground with her wings dispersed, marking the snow below with her gracious form. She hadn't go back in the pod ever since the prom, she couldn't go back inside after spending months locked inside there. She was loving the feeling of the cold on her metal skin, the wind blowing across was a feeling she never expected to miss so much, but here she was, enjoying it more than killing, something she thought she wouldn't be able to live without, yet, she hasn't killed anyone for some time.

V heard someone landing on the spire. She looked to the side and saw N and Uzi arriving. The disassembler was bringing the purple worker back from school.

"So, how was school?" V asked, still laying on the ground.

"Same as usual. A dead silence" Uzi said while rolling her eyes "Why do you ask?" She asked back.

"Because I made a promise to be your friend" She pointed to N. Uzi looked at him with an eyebrown lifted.

"Oh yeah, she said she would do anything to be free, so my conditions were, not killing anyone and trying to be nicer. It may not seem like it, but V is very loyal to her own word" N said with a smile in his face. V smiled, she liked to be praised, even if it was by someone like N. Uzi on the other hand, still didn't fully trust V, thus why she carried her gun with her, also because of N's second personality. She was surrounded by drones who could kill her in a second, she had to be on edge, even if she had this strange power. Uzi looks to her hand and places it in her visor.

"What's the problem Uzi? Is that eye thing worrying you?" N placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked to her side and saw an X on his visor, she quickly blinked and N's golden round eyes were displayed on his visor. Uzi looked at him for some more time, wanting to make sure she wasn't seeing anything. N noticed her strange behavior "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine" Uzi backed away a bit, before stopping and start fiddling with her fingers "N-N" SHe asked with a low voice.

"Yes?" He tilted his head, curious on what could make Uzi act like that.

"Would you mind... helping me with something?" Uzi looked to the ground, hiding her face from embarassment. She wasn't used to asking others for help, but she didn't want to this alone.

"Of course I wouldn't. What do you want?" N said with a lot of happiness. This reaction made Uzi smile a bit.

"I-I... I want to learn more about this eye thing of mine. Could I train it with you?" Uzi sheepshly asked. N's eyes hollowed, he remembers what that did to Doll, the chances of the same happening to him are very high. He wouldn't only die, he would completely disappear from everything. He didn't want that. He still had so much to live, but Uzi needed his help. V heard the converstation and shot up, scaring both drone.


"And since when do you care!?" Uzi grabbed her gun from her back and took a few steps back. V stopped and looked at N, he was scared that the two might fight, but also interested in her response. V didn't know how to feel about him. He still annoyed her, and she would much rather have his other him in the place, but his presence made her feel... better, in a way. She didn't like him, but it was nice having him around. V groaned and turned away.

"Just don't come back crying when you kill him" V said with anger. N was a bit sad with her response, but was used to it by now, this comment being a light one coming from her. Uzi continued looking at V, expecting her to snap back and attack her, but she just spreaded her wings and flew away. She continued looking at where V went, wondering what was going through her mind. V was such a strange drone to her, it seemed like her actions where based on something she was not or a missing part or something that did not fit. She looked at N, who was just standing there, not knowing what to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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