22 - Smooth Operator

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"He did what?" Steph's voice almost pokes holes in my eardrums when I tell her about what Heeseung had done. I don't tell her about how I kissed him or about how we spent the rest of the night cuddling on the couch as if we're two lovers who cannot get enough of each other. In a way, I feel guilty for not telling Steph the whole truth. She's my best friend, and I know she will support me no matter what. But there's a part of me that wants to keep this new connection with Heeseung just between us, at least for now. Maybe it's because I'm scared of what it might mean, or maybe it's because I want to enjoy this moment before it gets complicated. "He requested a dress for you?"

A dress that probably costs more than my entire wardrobe, of all things. I wasn't very sure about letting him take care of things when he said he wanted to do something nice for me, but he really meant everything he said. Both Steph and I stare at the emerald green dress that he had sent over, and it's breathtaking. It looks like it was made for a princess, and the thought makes my heart flutter. Heeseung really knows how to sweep a girl off her feet. 

It's hard to wrap my head around it when Ujin never once went out of his way and planned anything special for me. He's out there betraying me and my fake fiancé is... doing all of this. It's not just about the dress, though. It's about the way he looks at me, the way he makes me feel like I'm the most important person in the world. It's about everything he does that shows me he cares, even when he doesn't have to. And as much as I try to deny it, there's a part of me that wants more of this, that wants more of Heeseung.

"Yeah, he did," I nod, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "I don't know what to make of it, honestly."

Steph lets out a low whistle. "Well, damn. What I'd make of it is that this Heeseung guy is clearly into you. I mean, come on, requesting a dress that only exists in the dreams of most people? That's some next-level effort. That's not just being a good friend, Senny." I look at her and she looks at me and for a while, no one says a word. "Ujin never even bothered to remember your favorite color or your birthday. See? See what I've been talking about?"

I gulp. "Actually, about Ujin..." All I have to do is utter the words but even that feels so damn hard to do. I can't bring myself to say it out loud but when Steph folds her arms over her chest and frowns, I know she already has an idea about what I'm about to say. "He cheated on me, Steph," I finally admit, the words heavy on my tongue. 

She doesn't say anything, just stares at me for a while before her eyes widen. "That son of a bitch," She practically growls, her voice filled with righteous anger. "I always knew he was bad news, but I never thought he'd stoop this low. I mean, damn, Sena. How do you know?" 

"I saw him kissing and hugging Hana." The way Steph's eyes widen even more and she puts a hand over her mouth makes me realize just how much the situation is insane. I'm only starting to understand just how wrong it is. "She really took copying me literally." I let out a humorless laugh and look down at my fidgeting fingers. I cried all my tears yesterday in Heeseung's arms and promised him I wouldn't cry again because of an asshole who doesn't deserve it. But recounting the betrayal still stings.

"Holy shit, Sena," She says, stands up and starts pacing back and forth in front of me. "Holy crap. I can't believe he would do that to you. After all this time, all the things you've done for him, and he goes and pulls this crap? Unbelievable." Her hands gesture wildly and her voice rises with each word. Her fists clench and she looks like she's about to punch something and I know, I get it, I too don't know what to do with all that anger and hurt inside me. I've never seen her like this before, and it's both comforting and terrifying at the same time.

"Yeah," I mumble, feeling a lump forming in my throat. "I can't believe it either. I thought we had something... real." 

Steph stops pacing and looks at me, her expression softening. She walks over and sits back down, taking my hands in hers. "You did have something real, Sena. But it takes two people to make a relationship work and that motherfucker clearly wasn't willing to put in the effort. He doesn't deserve you, Sena. You're too good for him."

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