I don't feel good

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Ranpo was glad he asked Poe for help with a mission from the agency because his ability would be quite useful but he didn't think that Poe's personal shofer would be driving them for the mission. It was weird to be in the backseat for Ranpo. He had never sat in the back before. Although Poe's backseat was huge compared to all of the backseats he had seen before. Poe sat right next to Ranpo working on a book with his ability for the mission while Ranpo continued to eat the sweets he wasn't able to finish before the mission. They had a lot of time before they got there though since it would be about a 3 to 4 hour drive. Ranpo was usually fine in cars so he didn't mind much and was fine for the first hour. He had finished his candy long ago and was simply looking out the window watching the scenery fly by. About 10 minutes later his stomach was starting to ache and churn. He just shrugged it off assuming he had just had a little too much candy and was getting a stomach ache from it since it's not like he hasn't done that before. About 20 minutes go by and Ranpo starts feeling the nausea kick in along with a small headache. He still thought it was just a simple stomach ache and nothing to worry about though so he decided to take a nap to help his stomach. While he was asleep Poe had finished the book and was going to tell Ranpo about it but when he looked over he noticed Ranpo was asleep. Poe smiled staring at Ranpo sleeping before reaching over to the side of the seat, grabbing a blanket, and putting it on Ranpo. He was asleep for no more than 23 minutes when a strong wave of nausea came over him. He had to hold back a gag as he slowly sat up straight from leaning on the window and door. "Good morning sleepy head" Poe said to Ranpo noticing he was awake. Ranpo looked at Poe and then at his lap realizing there was a blanket on his lap. "Did you put a blanket on me" Ranpo questioned still half asleep. "I did sorry I know I didn't ask" Poe responded back. "It's fine I don't mind" Ranpo said to Poe yawing after. They sat there in silence for a while Ranpo looking out the window and Poe picking at his nails. The nausea was slowly getting worse but Ranpo just sat there trying to pretend he was fine. The last thing he needed was to throw up in Poe's car but he couldn't afford to stop the car before they got there in order to make the mission a success. Ranpo really tried his best to ignore the nausea but he couldn't anymore. He could feel himself gag and a little vomit spill into his mouth. Without thinking he swallows it though. "Hey Poe can we pull over please" Ranpo says. "Why what's wrong" Poe asks already starting to direct the driver to get off of the next exit and go to the gas station. "I don't feel well" Ranpo admits arms wrapped around his stomach. "Can you wait until we get to the gas station" Poe asks Ranpo. "I can try" Ranpo says unconvincingly. "Why didn't you say something sooner" Poe questions. "I didn't want to risk the mission going wrong if he had to make a stop" Ranpo admits. "Your more important than some stupid mission" Poe responds a little mad. It wasn't long before they had made it to the gas station and Ranpo had practically run out of the car and into the gas station making his way to the bathrooms. He was glad that the bathrooms were empty when he entered as he made him way to the closest stall falling to his knees gagging violently. Poe entered the bathroom about 10 seconds after Ranpo had and found him in the first stall hunched over the toilet gagging. He sat on the floor next to Ranpo rubbing his back. Ranpo gagged for a while before the gagging stopped for a little. "Stop being so tense and just relax. The sooner you get it up the better you will feel baby." Poe said to Ranpo who was now leaning back on him. "I don't want to throw up though" Ranpo responded, tears filling his eyes and threatening to spill over. "I know baby but you'll feel a lot better once you throw up" Poe said hugging Ranpo. Ranpo sat up fast and leaned over the toilet again gagging a few times before bringing up a small stream of undigested sweets that he had eaten earlier. Ranpo sat there gasping for air before another stream of undigested sweets came out this time a lot bigger. Tears began to pour down his face as he continued to vomit into the toilet. Poe rubbing circles on his back and telling him soothing things. After another wave of vomit came out of his mouth Ranpo slumped back again Poe tears still streaming down his face. Poe hugged him and said "Good job baby". They sat like that or a little before Ranpo shot back up and started gagging over the toilet again. A big wave of sick shot through Ranpo's mouth catching him off guard making him cry more and gasp for air. He sat there dry heaving over the toilet before it slowly stopped and he could lay back against Poe. "Do you think you're done" Poe asked Ranpo looking down at him. "I think so and I feel a bit better so I guess" Ranpo responded. Poe reached over and flushed the toilet before getting himself and Ranpo off the floor. "Let clean your face off a bit dear" Poe said to Ranpo leading him to the sink. After Poe cleaned Ranpo's face they left the bathroom and Poe bought water and anti-nausea medication. They both left the gas station and went back to the car where Poe handed the bag to Ranpo once they sat down. Ranpo took the medicine and buckled his seat belt before leaning against Poe and closing his eyes. Poe pulled him closer and wrapped his arm around Ranpo who was starting to fall asleep. They sat in the parking lot for a little while with Ranpo sleeping before Poe gave the driver the ok to leave and continue the drive for the mission. Poe was praying that the fact that Ranpo got sick didn't affect the mission because he knew Ranpo would feel terrible if he was the reason why the mission wasn't a success. Ranpo slept all the way until they got to their destination where they carried out the mission and it ended up being a success.  

Authors Note: Hi my lovelies!! I love writing sickfics and I haven't written one in a while so I decided I would write one today. I'm not sure if I would consider this as car sick or Ranpo just getting sick so I'll leave it up to your imagination to decide. Thank you so much for reading this because it means a lot and I hope you have an amazing rest of your day or night. Byeeeee my lovelies<3

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