Chapter Two

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*Author's note!* 

Hey guys, I am hopping on here really quick to say I hope everyone enjoys this chapter. My goal is to post 1-2 chapters a day, most likely will be one. I also will have different ways my chapters are written and if it gets enough attention I will be going back to fix some things. Happy reading!


My mom stared blankly at me as she puffed on her cigarette, filling the room with the stench of smoke even more. I had never seen her so quiet in all her years of my life. She usually had some smart-mouth thing to say back to me but now, she was quiet. A few minutes had passed before she spoke, and her voice was shaky.

"Your father," she stopped and turned off the TV before continuing, "was a mean man. He is not the man I fell in love with, he is the man my mother wanted me to marry." She stopped again to take another drag off her cigarette. "I tolerated your father because he is your father. But he wasn't Aaron's father."

My heart sank. He wasn't Aaron's dad? As far as I knew growing up, he treated both of us the same. He loved Aaron, and he only got mad at him when he would do something to me. Which I later found out my mom encouraged but now this probably is why.

"You're serious?" Is all I could muster to say. "He's not dad's son? Then who's is he?"

She scoffed, "as if you care. But I'll tell you anyway. He was my true love, he was there for me when I needed him after momma and daddy would swing on one another and then me, but no. He was there. He was the one I first lost my virginity to," that part made me cringe, but she continued, "and he is the one who I think about to this day. Aaron knew him but I didn't dare tell your daddy, that is why he went to war. To fight alongside a real man while all your dad did was work on a field in this stupid town."

I couldn't breathe. She didn't love my dad but why in the fuck didn't she leave him? I couldn't say anything. I sat in the recliner across from her and just stared at her. She smirked at me finishing the last bit of her filthy habit and tossed it into her ashtray.

"So," I finally was able to breathe out, "you're a whore who likes to string men along and have kids with them?" She clutched her chest as if I had shot her right there on that couch.

"How dare you, you little bitch. I raised you. I am your mother."

Before I could say anything else my phone lit up. It was Sarah calling and my mother was lucky I promised I'd answer her. "We are not done with this conversation you old bat." I forced myself to retreat to my bedroom and answer the phone.

"Hello? Hey Sarah, what's up?"

"Hey! Are...are you ok? You sound kind of pissed off."

"Nah, I'm fine. What's so urgent it couldn't be a text?" We never called on the phone. I was an introvert, and she knew it, and anything anyone had to say to me would be more beneficial over text.

"Ok, so you know how I'm engaged to a literal lawyer?" She giggled.

"Yeah and?"

"Well, I told him your situation about the house, and he thinks he can help."

"How? It's in my mother's name I can't do anything with it."

"Actually, it's not. See Mark found a will and some documents about the house and as it turns out, you own it." She beamed even through the phone. She was the happiest person I knew, and it made me sick, but God did I love her.

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