A Moment of Comfort

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Dedicated to my father:

You could have said anything, but you decided to tell me to get over it.

A summer wind raced across the cerulean expanse of the Agracian Sea. Sapphire waves kissed the warm air leaving behind the taste of salt. The wind rushed over the water towards the ivory cliffs of the Chrysnisian Archipelago. As an eagle would upon gilded wings the winds danced across the dust and rocks into the thin leaves of the olive trees.

On one island a fisherman sat on his dock, drawing in the warm summer air through his nose. Rich dark skin was pulled taught over a muscular frame that rippled with power each time he moved. Eyes mirroring the sparkling azure of the sea before him watched the horizon, the mind behind them wander from the bobbing lure. His cloud white hair was held in tight greasy braid that hung over his shoulder.

"Daxos!" called out from the start of the dock. "Anything biting?"

"No, sea is a quiet." Daxos replied, dismissing his bad luck with a laxed wave of his hand.

"Poor omen." The other man sat next to Daxos. "Foretells of a boring dinner."

The two laughed, heartily.

"How was the market Olgus?"

"Same as everyday, filled with life." Olgus replied as he slipped a piece of cheese to his hook.

"Is that a piece of Alusia's cheese?" Daxos cocked his brow.

"The very same. Traded her a bottle of oil for a block."

"I hope Filina doesn't hear you used cheese as bait."

"I gave her the rest of the block before I came. After a few centuries I learned the lesson."

They exchanged another round of loud belly rolling laughs. Olgus cast his line and the two settled into a comfortable silence, watching the sun creep its way across the later afternoon sky. Around them the world continued to churn through the day as it had every day before until Daxos sighed deeply.

"Tirce asked about death this morning," Daxos spoke softly his face set is hardened thought.

Olgus nodded and wrapped an arm around his firneds broad shoulders. "She's so young though. What stirred this up?"

"She found a newborn chick on the path from the house today. It could have only been out of the egg a few days and it passed had early in the night. We spent the morning trying to bring it back," Daxos explained, shrugging into the embrace of his friend. "I knew the conversation would come, but not at such a young age."

"She's over a decade old Daxos, it's about the right time. What did you say?"

"I mean the truth. I told her that death is the end of life, and for most things it is a permanent state. We talked about our reincarnation and how the bird wasn't asleep."

"Did she ask questions?"

"Of course, but I didn't know how to answer. I don't know why things die Olgus." Daxos side eyed the other man. "All I know is elves don't. No matter how much I assured her that it wasn't something she needed to worry about, she just became more gloom."

"She's worried about her own?"

"Yes. She's afraid that there's nothing beyond. I told her everything my father told me, and his father told him. But nothing cheered her up or calmed her down." Daxos' shoulders slumped and he sighed. "She didn't even see me off this morning. Not a word."

"Well..." Olgus chewed over his thoughts. "Did you comfort her?"

There was a moment of silence between them. In that moment the lapping of the waves against the dock was the dripping of sand in an hourglass. Daxos and Olgus held their breaths for the heartbeat of realization.

"I mean...well...I..." Daxos' bulk heaved as he shifted his weight. "I told her everything was fine."

Olgus laughed the third explosive laugh of the conversation and Daxos frowned. "Damned fishermen!"

"What does that mean?"

"Did you hug her Daxos?"

"I...no I didn't."

"Are you sure you're not a dwarf? With all of the stones making your head so dense!" Olgus dropped his rod laughing hard enough to double over.

"Olgus I'm going to feed you to boar!"

Olgus tried desperately to catch her breath and voice. "You were raised by fishermen on the sea! Tirce is not a fisherman, she takes after Dalila. She needs a gentle hand to guide her in the moments of fear. Remember when we were kids, and you were almost taken by the sea?"

Daxos flinched at the memory, the pain of watching himself get sucked down below the waves. The fear of Daxos' tiering legs fighting the strength of the sea. He remembered the salty water stinging his eyes and sloshing through his lungs. With a shake of the head he banished the ancient memory.

Olgus placed his hand on Daxos', "She is feeling that now."

"You're right." Daxos stood from the dock. "Thank you Olgus. I have to go."

"Of course, Daxos. Best of luck."

The sun elf raced across his island home leaving Olgus on the dock alone. The sky began to turn from a cold azure to warm oranges as pinks. Daxos' shadow stretched out in front of his as he chased it. When he arrived at his home, he found Tirce playing alone with her doll in the yard. Her skin was the color of sunbaked soil and her hair the light blue of dawn.

Gently he approached her, and she looked up at him with eyes of sunset. Without a word he lowered himself to his knees and wrapped his broad arms around her small body. He held her tight taking in his daughter's every being, searching his mind for words that were never taught to him.

She spoke first, with a trembling quite voice, "I don't want to die."

Hot tears of pure pain and fear seared Daxos' skin as the pooled from her eyes. Without resisting he let his own fell from his lids. He held her tighter, clearing his chocking throat.

"Tirce, do not worry. You musn't worry about death. It is a distant thing."

"But when I close my eyes, it is there." She whimpered, "I don't want to stop seeing things. I don't want to lose you and mommy and everyone!"

"You have lost nothing and will never lose me or mommy. Tirce when you see the golden eagle, I want you to know that is me. I will watch you forever. I love you more than anything in this world, I would give anything to protect you. I will never ever leave you; I will always be there for you. I will be the warm air in your braids, the gentle touch of the sun on your skin, the kiss of the sea on your cheek, the rising sun and the setting moon. All of these things I am and will be for you.

When you are in the dark alone, I will be there to hold your hand and help you along. I will hold the mountains on my shoulders so that you may climb them. I would march to the gods and wrestle dragons for you. I cannot take your pain from you, but I am here for you, my daughter. Your mother and I will always be here with you. I love you more than anything Tirce. You don't need to be afraid, I am here."

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