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Trapped in this cold existence
I tread the same unending path of misery
For miles upon miles
Of inanity and stupidity,
Bias and prejudice,
Pain and suffering.
No one knows what happens in my mind.
The tortures I face, the trials I've passed,
The fear of the next corner, the fear of what's ahead.
Is it my doom? Or merely more torment and misery?

Did I choose this affliction?
Or was it chosen for me?
My feet move without thought,
Leaving bloody, ashen trails in the dust.
My view, however short, remains bleak.

An uncharted wasteland lies ahead,
An unknown landscape of broken promises
And dreams long dead.

A great void lies behind,
Swallowing up my footsteps,
And everything else along with them.

There is no going back.

The only thing I can do is walk forward.
Not even death is available to me now,
But life is a luxury I can no longer afford.
I am but a walking corpse, neither alive nor dead.
Only existing for the sake of existence.
Perhaps not even that.
My fate is no longer in my hands.

The road opens before me, forever unchanging.
Any hope of salvation was lost long ago.
Only inevitability remains.
I carry only the agony of a decaying mind,
As I trudge through life to the beat of an invisible drummer,
Toward an unreachable end.

Poems of a dear friendWhere stories live. Discover now