sorry bout that last chapter!!


in the main gc

ifoundrobinhat; uhm guys 

strawberry; wOt

ifoundrobinshat;  i ... lovee...

angermanagement; what tf r u sayin

ifoundrobinshat; ICE SPICE

richasian; OH MY GOSHH!! 'THINK U THE SHIT..'

ifoundrobinshat; BITCHH, U NOT EVEN DA FARTT

richasian; UHH I BE GOIN OFF (LIKE)

Ilostmyhat; nope please not today

richasian; kill yourself


blueberry; no way bro pulled up wit the suicide video-

ilostmyhat; no way bro broke his back

blueberry; ?

ilostmyhat; omfg u dumbass

strawberry; guys we havent posted on our insta in a long time

angermanagement; yeah my followers r gon crazy

blueberry; stfu show off


motherless posted 1 new photo,  213 views, liked by stillthemother, paperdicks, backbreaker and 120 others

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motherless posted 1 new photo,  213 views, liked by stillthemother, paperdicks, backbreaker and 120 others.

caption: this party was so fun!!😍


backbreaker; ew i look horrid but YOU LOOK SO GOOD!!

//motherless replied to backbreaker;;NOO ALL YOUUU!!//

Stillthemother; it was not that busy though

//mydadhatesme replied to stillthemother;;you were passed out half the time so you dont get a say in this tbh//

strongestgayhere; THAT WAS SOO FUNN

gwenitailia; NO WAY U WENT TO PARTY W/O ME???



in the main gc

ilostmyhat; this is so dead

richasian; omfg right

ifoundrobinshat; oh hii

ilostmyhat; hi finn!

ifoundrobinshat; hi rob!!

blueberry; rob is the worst fucking nickname ive ever heard

richasian; i agree, it sounds like a old name

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