BOTM Interview: EvilMaybeWriter-Trying Normal

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This interview was conducted on February 18th, 2024 with the author EvilMaybeWriter for the October 2023 Book of the Month contest. Congratulations to EvilMaybeWriter and their book: Trying Normal.


Scribe's Hollow: When did you first start writing and what inspired you to start?

EvilMaybeWriter: At 19, I used it as an outlet and wanted to write something for myself that I could enjoy.

SH: Who are some authors that inspire you?

EMW: Agatha Christie for Mystery and Steven King for Horror

SH: What is your favorite childhood book?

EMW: Technically not a kids book but "And Then There Were None"

SH: What is your book about?

EMW: The best way I can describe it is "A psychopath buys a condo, one thing leads to another and now a war is about to break out for control over the werewolf government of the state of Massachusetts. (its called "Trying" Normal for a reason!)"

SH: What motivated you to write your current book?

EMW: So, "Trying" Normal is one of my 10 + year old ideas I've played with over the years at this point I've spent enough time thinking on it but not doing it, so I said screw it lets get this written!!

SH: What themes do you want to convey with your book?

EMW: I would say I play with whats "normal" and is it right? I do like to play with the gray as many things in life are far from black and white!

SH: Do you have a favorite character in your book?

EMW: It's a tie between my little psycho Vincent and my Cinnamon roll Eunie. Both have very distinct ways of helping others. Vincent is the most fun to write of my characters. While Eunie's chapters make me cry while writing some of them.

SH: What is your go-to snack/drink when writing?

EMW: I'm more of a eat before or after I write, but definitely coffee for a drink.

SH: What do you consider the hardest part of writing?

EMW: Realizing how long a scene is. Nothing like "oh it was 300 words or 3K"

SH: What do you consider the best part of writing?

EMW: Writing the dialogue I love writing the unhinged things Vincent says!!

SH: What is a book you think is underrated?

EMW: I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga, the author did a great job showing all the horrifying details of being the child of a monster (figurative monster)

SH: How many books do you currently have in progress?

EMW: 2!! "Trying" Normal is on draft 2 edits about 20 percent done! while my ongoing book Ladorum is getting close to the halfway mark.

SH: How do you overcome writer's block?

EMW: Take a day to step away then come back and read where the block started to act up. I make a change and I'm usually good!

SH: Thank you for your time! Do you have anything else you'd like to say?

EMW: Thank you to everyone who has read my book!!

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