Caring For You - SpyNut

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Disclaimer: English is not my first language so bare with me 😅 Other than that, enjoooyyyy this fanfiction about a needy Sailub being sick and Supanut taking care of him 🌸 Don't forget to vote please!


It had been a long day at work. Sailub had some scenes he was acting in and those scenes required him being in the water alot. The filmingcrew had to shoot from different angles and with different cameras to be sure they got everything they needed. Sailub had to jump in to the water so many times he lost count but even he knew it was better to do all the scenes that required him to be in the water during the same day so he didn't have to get wet more than just during today's shooting. The weather wasn't that bad either, even though the sun wasn't as strong as it is during the summer it was still hot enough to be in the water without getting sick. Or so he thought.

When the day was over and it was time for Sailub and the rest of the crew and staffmembers to go home Sailub felt weird, almost like he was cold. He didn't think much of it and headed towards the dressing room to take a shower and put on some dry clothes. Being in some dry and fresh clothes he walked to his car. When he was driving home he could feel himself sweating alot which was weird because it was certainly not that hot outside for him to actually sweat. After getting stuck in the evening traffic he finally reached his home where he could park his car. When he stood in the elevator he could feel a massive headache coming and tiredness washed over him.

Barely making it to his door he finally entered his home. Feeling dry in the throat he went to the kitchen to get himself some water. Usually he would cook himself some dinner, take a shower and prepare for bed but he didn't have an appetite nor the energy to do anyting. Still feeling very hot he decided to take of his clothes and just go to bed in his underwear. Finally in his bed he heard his phone ring. Thanking the god above that he actually took his phone with him to the bedroom he looked at the screen to see Supanut calling him. Sailub answered the phone by trying to greet Supanut but ended up coughing instead. Supanut didn't think much of it and let Sailub cough until he was done. When Sailub's coughing stopped he could finally greet his man.

"Hello teerak, how are you?" Sailub asked. "Hah... I should ask you that question ther, are you ok?" Supanut said a bit worried. Sailub told Supanut that he felt very hot, tired and didn't have an appetite. Supanut being the caring boyfriend he was promised Sailub that he would be there as soon as possible so he could take care of Sailub. "No Nut, don't come. You might catch whatever I have." Sailub tried to say but Supanut didn't buy that, to him it sounded like Sailub had a fever and Supanut needed to be there for Sailub. Sailub not having much energy left ended the call after their goodbyes. He tried to stay awake so he could greet Supanut upon his arrival but he couldn't keep his eyes open. Sailub knew that Supanut had the spare keys to his home so with that thought in mind he finally let sleep consume him.

After their call ended Supanut found a bag where he packed some stuff he needed, he grabbed his phone, double checked that he had his and Sailub's keys with him and went straight to his car. Twenty minutes later Supanut stopped outside a restaurant to buy some porridge for Sailub. Supanut didn't know if Sailub had any medicine at home so he made a quick stop at the pharmacy as well. Being done with his errands, driving for five more minutes and parking his car he finally reached Sailub's home. Supanut opened the door, entered Sailub's apartment and locked the door after himself. He left the food on the kitchen counter and his bag on the floor so he could go to the bedroom to see what Sailub was doing.

When Supanut entered through the door to Sailub's bedroom he could see Sailub lying in his bed, the covers barely covering him so Supanut's first thought was to fix the covers for Sailub. When he brushed his fingers along Sailub's cheek he could feel how hot Sailub was. Going back to the kitchen he soon found a bucket and a towel, he filled the bucket with water to bring back to Sailub's bedroom. Supanut placed the bucket with water on Sailub's nightstand, he took the towel out from the water and started to wipe Sailub's arms with the wet towel.

Sailub woke up and blinked a couple of times so he could be able to see who the person wiping his body was. Supanut stopped the wiping to look at Sailub waking up and whispering "Hi ther, I'm sorry I woke you up but you are burning up so I have to wipe your body in hopes of cooling it down". Sailub looked at Supanut and was going to give him an answer but instead he started to cough. When the coughing died down Sailub didn't have the energy to say anything so he hugged one of Supanut's arms.

Not wanting to harm Sailub in any way Supanut needed to know if Sailub already took some medicine before he went to bed, asking the question Sailub shook his head and whispered a low "no nothing, I just drank some water". Supanut left the room to get some medicine and poured the porridge in a bowl so Sailub could eat it.

Entering Sailub's bedroom again Supanut informed Sailub that he had some porridge in the bowl he wanted Sailub to eat. Sailub not having the energy to eat tried to shake his head but Supanut didn't budge. "Let me feed you some and after taking your medicine you can go back to sleep, please I don't want your body to dehydrate because of your fever". Sailub loved the idea of letting Supanut feed him the porridge so he slowly nodded his head and tried to offer Supanut a smile. Supanut asked Sailub to scotch over so he could sit next to Sailub in the bed. Slowly starting to feed Sailub Supanut couldn't help but notice that Sailub was smiling the whole time. "Hey Sai, why are you smiling?" Supanut asked. Not being able to stop smiling Sailub answered "I'm enjoying you feeding me". "It seems to me that you have enough energy, maybe you should feed yourself" Supanut said to tease Sailub. With a scowl on his face Sailub answered with a sharp "no".

After eating some of the porridge, drinking water and taking his medicine Sailub was ready to go back to sleep. Supanut was getting up from the bed to take the dishes out of the room and refill the bucket with water so he could continue wiping down Sailub's body. Sailub not having any of that took a hold of Supanut's arm whilest he was still in bed and with pleading eyes he asked Supanut to stay with him in bed to cuddle. Supanut not being able to say no to Sailub just sighed and adjusted himself next to Sailub so Supanut could hold him in his arms. With a content smile on Sailub's lips he soon felt Supanut's hand brush through his hair before Sailub closed his eyes so he could fall back to sleep.

When Supanut realized that Sailub had fallen asleep he slowly removed Sailub from him to take the dishes to the kitchen. To Supanut's surprise he heard Sailub whine in his sleep when Supanut let him go. Supanut couldn't stop the smile on his face because usually Supanut was the needy one in their relationship. He knew he made the right decision to come here and take care of Sailub.

Finally being able to take care of the dishes, refill Sailub's glas of water and the water in the bucket Supanut soon returned to Sailub's bedroom to continue wiping down his body. Wringing out the water from the towel Supanut removed the covers hiding Sailub's beautiful body and started to wipe his chest, neck and face. Supanut couldn't help but let his eyes linger on Sailub's beautiful face. He was truly blessed to have Sailub as his lovely boyfriend. Done with the wiping, Supanut checked Sailub's temperature with the back of his hand and refilled the medicine so he could give it to Sailub when needed during the night. Before joining Sailub in bed Supanut went to the bathroom to prepare himself for bed.

Coming back out of the bathroom and in to the bedroom next to the bed Supanut could hear Sailub's whines and this time Sailub was hugging a pillow. Removing the pillow from Sailub's hands and lying down in the bed Supanut wasted no time to engulf Sailub in a cuddle. Kissing Sailub on the forehead Supanut fell asleep next to his baby. His very sick and whiney baby.

Supanut woke up in the middle of the night, through their hug Supanut could feel how hot Sailub was. Double checking with his hand Sailub's fever was definitely high. Letting go of Sailub to go to the kitchen Supanut was surprised when Sailub was searching for Supanut in his sleep with his hands feeling the matress next to him. Supanut couldn't help but let out a low chuckle before taking the bucket with him to the kitchen so he could change the water. Back in the bedroom with the new water Supanut wiped Sailub's body and gave him some medicine before he joined Sailub in bed. The second Sailub could feel Supanut next to him in bed he grabbed him so Supanut could hold him again. Supanut was really enjoying his needy but cute baby.


Hiiiiii, another oneshot of my favourite ghostship 🫣 Hope you like it 🫶🏼

Don't forget to read my other oneshots if you are interested, you can find them by visiting my profile here on Wattpad 🫰🏼

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