The Game of Love - 6

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Vince Matthews

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Vince Matthews

That evening at Jay's, amidst the lively chatter of my two friends, I found myself detached, immersed in the soothing rhythm of sipping my beer. My head weighed heavily on my shoulders, tired from a long day at work, the alcohol only adding to the weight. As the amber liquid flowed, I found solace in the ritual I had made for myself of gazing up at the stars. Leaning back, the cool metal of the chair provided a brief respite, soothing the tension in my neck.

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of relief that Lea was not there. Her absence spared me from the potential headache of having to deal with her passive-aggressive comments. I knew she was still angry with me.

"Eva is coming tonight," I heard Jay say to Aidan.

"Whoa, whoa, big guy," Aidan teased, "I didn't think you were trying to set a speed record with that type of thing. And so confident, too."

"Ah, shut up, man," Jay said, his cheeks flushing crimson.

Her arrival was the first thing that night that seized all my attention. As she crossed the threshold, a bottle of wine was nestled securely in the crook of her arm. She looked shyly at Jay. I wondered to myself if his feelings for her were being reciprocated. I observed her hands, slender and graceful, as they tenderly clasped the bottle. I wondered what they would feel like wrapped around something else.

She murmured a hello as my gaze lingered unabashedly upon her. Assessing her attire, a pang of disappointment struck me to find her once again clad in a less-than-fantastic pair of sweats and a hoodie. I refocused as she shyly presented the bottle to Jay.

"What's the occasion?" he asked curiously, looking delighted.

"A thank you for having me over so often." Her large blue eyes radiated a warmth that cut through the humid night air. "Thank you for always welcoming me, Jay."

"Mi casa es tu casa!" Jay said happily, "I love wine, thanks, Eva! You mind if I open it? Let's have some!"

I realized just how dominant Lea had always been in our friend group, a fact that had escaped my notice until now. With Eva's presence, it became evident that Lea was unsettled by the shift in dynamics, unaccustomed to sharing the spotlight with another girl and witnessing the undivided attention that we usually put on her, being directed elsewhere for a change. 

In the absence of Lea's commanding presence, Jay and Aidan seized the opportunity to engage fully with Eva, delving into their inquiries without any interruptions. Choosing to take a back seat, I willingly surrendered the conversational reins as I often did, allowing the others to lead the discussion. I observed her quietly, content in simply watching Eva's reactions and responses unfold.

"Where did you move from again Eva?" Aidan asked. He offered her a drag of the joint that was being passed around which she had politely refused. 

"Florida," she replied, "Orlando."

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