Big time fans

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Jupiter's pov

As i writing a new song i walked in to see my dad and Kelly giving the boys their fan mail. I needed to learn their names and fast, i kept walking when my father noticed me "Jup whenever you have the time there are two bags of fan mail in my office for you." i nodded my head and sat on the couch in front of the boys as they looked through their mail and reading them

Dear Kendall, can you please, please, please, send a photo." he read

I love BTR, but motley james, she is wrong." logan said throwing the paper

Logan, you're my favorite. PS. Please enjoy this meatloaf i made for you. PS. Please give it to Carlos." as they fought over the meatloaf Kendall spoke

I don't know about you guys. But im sending my fan a photo." as he finished i blew the horn that Kelly passed over to me knowing the drill as she brought out the broad

Fan mail do's and don'ts." they read together

Do keep it short and simply write things like, "You rock too" and "Hey thanks."

Do sign your name, all fans love autographs."

Don't give out any personal information or advice. Otherwise, some crazed fan will show up on your front doorstep and ask you to help make them famous." as they finished the board came crashing down on them and i jumped out of the way landing on someone, and saw that it was Kendall

Oh....umm sorry." i got up and went to the other side of the couch and saw it was a girl with many bags in her hand

"Jenny Tinkler?

Guys, i did it! I picked up everything, and i moved to L.A. so you could help me be famous like you'd promised." when i tell you i was shocked, my jaw was on the floor. Not even three seconds and they broke the rule, kelly and my father got up from what just happened

So, fan girl, which of these lads gave you advice and the address to my studio." my father yelled as the boys looked at each other Carlos ran away to hide looking where he went we found them under a cabinet counting cup as they pulled carlos fom under the cabinet

131, 132. Yup, there all here.'

You told Jenny to come out here to L.A. and we'll help her make her dreams come true? James asked

Not in those exact words." Carlos said, "jenny come out to L.A. and we'll help make your dreams come true." Kendall sarcastically said holding the paper "i didn't think she would do it." Carlos said trying to convince them

You wrote down the airplane schedule and turn but turn directions to Rocque Records." Logan told him

PS. We promise we'll help you." 'what did we tell you about making promises, you can't keep." Kendall told him "But it's Jenny. We love Jenny. Plus she said she was our biggest fan." Carlos said

She did come all this way to Chicago to come to see us." Logan said

Yes! But that doesn't mean fame will just to them if you help them. Look i don't need to be here for this but at the corner, I felt someone tap on my shoulder i turned to see a girl standing there with her arms crossed

How do you know Kendall."

He and his band work for my father what's it to you." before she could answer kendell called her name "Jo hey what are you doing here? He asked hugging her

Oh i was just having a chat with...."Jupiter." Junises here." girl if you want to be petty i can get petty too" "Well Joey me and Kendall here have to go to my dance class so are you ready." i asked

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