Chapter 3: True Feelings

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Several minutes had passed, and we told Ken that we would proceed to the next floor and for them to catch up when they could. So, we went ahead alone, still holding hands as we climbed the tower. The atmosphere hadn't changed much since we had taken each other's hands. We encountered a couple of shadows, but nothing out of the ordinary happened. Aigis kept holding my hand, and each time we turned a corner, I could feel her grip tightening. I could sense her concern for me in the strength of her hand, and it only made the thoughts flood my mind. The many times she had told me she would protect me, that she wanted to be by my side. All these thoughts raced through my mind every second we spent holding hands, and I became more aware of the moment, growing increasingly embarrassed. I wanted to say something, to release what had been bothering me for some time and convey my feelings to her... and to be reciprocated. But right now, that was the least of my concerns.

"On this floor, there aren't any stronger shadows. Be careful!" Fuuka warned us about the difficulty of the new floor we had arrived on. Aigis hesitated for a moment but continued on the floor, still holding my hand.

After a while of walking, we encountered a powerful shadow, and I could sense its enormous strength the moment we met. I knew this would be a tough battle, but with Aigis by my side, I had confidence that we could defeat it.

"God Hand!" I shouted, launching my first attack. My determination was at its peak, and I felt better than ever. Then it was Aigis's turn.

"Marakukaja!" Aigis provided support, choosing to protect us from the enemy's attack. Despite the situation, her determination to protect us was admirable, one of the many reasons I liked her... Wait, liked? What was I talking about? I needed to focus on the battle, or all our efforts might be in vain.

And so, we continued to fight in a very challenging battle where both of us came close to falling. However, we managed to defeat the shadow, and it was Aigis who delivered the finishing blow when I was on the ground after receiving a direct hit from the shadow. Luckily, it didn't do much damage. Aigis ran to my side as planned and offered her hand to help me up.

"Are you okay?" Aigis asked with relief in her voice, making sure I had no injuries.

"Yes, I'm fine. Shall we continue?" I said, extending my hand to Aigis again, ready to keep exploring the tower together.

"Of course," she said, a beautiful smile forming on her face.

With that, we decided to continue exploring the floor until we finally found the stairs to the next level. Apart from a couple of shadows, we were able to defeat them relatively easily. With that done, we proceeded to the next floor.

"I don't detect any enemies in this area, but stay cautious," Fuuka warned us. A floor without enemies was a good time for a rest.

"Would you like to take a break, Aigis?" I asked her, wondering if she needed to recharge her energy. I wasn't sure if an android like her understood the concept of rest very well.

"That's fine, and I have a feeling you've wanted to tell me something for a while now," she said. Wait, had she noticed? I had been looking at her a lot since we climbed the tower, but I didn't think she'd notice.

"U-umm, y-yes, b-but I'm not sure if this is the right time," I stammered, reflecting how nervous I felt after her confession. What was I doing? Or rather, what was I asking? I didn't know what to say exactly. Should I explain my feelings to her? Could she understand me? Aigis was still learning about being human, and even I, a human, didn't fully understand how I felt.

Aigis noticed my hesitation. "You know you can tell me anything," she said, taking my hands and looking at me with a beautiful smile. Where had she learned that? Who had taught her that? I would be forever grateful to them. But back to the main issue, I needed to explain myself properly for her to understand.

"W-what I mean is, d-do you feel different when you're near me?" I asked.

"I don't understand your question correctly," she replied.

"What I mean is, d-do you feel... different?" I continued.

"I'm not sure I comprehend. Why do you ask?" she inquired.

"W-why? Well, it's precisely what's happening to me." There was no turning back now, regardless of what might happen, I had to see it through to the end. "E-every time I'm with you, when I see you, I feel a pain in my chest, and my body temperature rises. I can't stop looking at you."

"What do you mean? Are you uncomfortable when I'm around?" she asked.

"W-what? No, no no no no. It's actually the opposite of that. When I'm with you, I feel safe. It's hard to explain, but it's as if all my worries disappear. It's as if the world stops mattering, and just being with you is enough for me. Being near you makes me... happy."

My thoughts became clearer as I spoke, and my feelings became more understandable to myself. Could it be...?

Aigis didn't respond right away; it seemed she didn't fully understand what I was saying. She was trying to comprehend, though. Then, a small smile appeared on her face. "So, being with me makes you happy?" she asked while looking into my eyes.

"Yes. I want to keep being by your side, and I don't want you to ever leave me, Aigis," I said. Suddenly, her eyes changed. Did she want to cry? Her eyes welled up with tears. Wait, could Aigis cry? But that wasn't all; her small smile turned into a broader one.

"I-I love you," I said. What? Did I really just say that? The words came out naturally, and I hadn't planned to say them. What do I do now? "Y-you don't have to respond now, Aigis."

"No, I want to answer right now, to respond to these feelings you've expressed to me. Kotone, although I initially got so close to you due to my past mistakes that I was trying to fix despite having no solution, that reason became a thing of the past after you forgave me. Different feelings started to emerge—feelings I didn't understand, but since all of you in the S.E.E.S. have helped me become more human, I've realized that these feelings I have for you might be... love. But that seemed impossible for someone like me; I'm an android, and you're human. Even as you age, I'll remain the same. Besides, we're both girls."

Aigis was pouring her heart out to me, and I couldn't believe she was reciprocating. Her words seemed to indicate it, but she was also right about our differences—she was an android, and I was human. But even with all our disparities, I love Aigis, and love knows no bounds.

"I understand, Aigis, but it doesn't matter what you're made of. Your heart is human, and that's what's most important," I replied.

"But you'll grow older, and I won't," Aigis said.

"But I want to grow old with you," I reassured her.

"We're both girls," she pointed out.

"Gender doesn't matter when it comes to love, Aigis," I said with conviction.

"But I..." Aigis began, her body trembling, and she began to weaken until her legs gave way, and tears started streaming down her face. I held her hands and gently lifted her face, which was now wet with tears.

"Do you really believe our relationship can work?" she asked, her voice quivering.

"I'm certain it can," I said, my heart racing. Each passing second felt like an eternity, and Aigis was taking her time deciding.

"But if it doesn't work..." she began to say, still unsure.

"We'll make it work together," I reassured her.

I continued to embrace Aigis for a little while longer.

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