Charter 5

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After the night has passed, Suga open his eyes and look over at her and see that she's still asleep. He notice that she's been sleeping so peacefully since last night and he smile. He gently touch his hand to her face gently and I whisper softly "Good morning". She starts to wake up, but while still keeping her eyes closed she mumbles slowly:

-You made it! You convinced be your girlfriend...

-Well...I'm really happy that you agree to it. I'm glad you feel the same way about me.

She smiles and asleep again. He pulled himself closer to her and wrap his arms around her. They both fall asleep next to each other, the next few hours passed very peacefully. After they're waking up, she said:

-I want my breakfast.

-Of course, but why don't we eat breakfast together?

-How about making breakfast for me?

After he heard this, he doesn't hesitate to say:

-Yes, I will make you breakfast and I'll make sure to make it a really delicious and tasty breakfast!

He gets up from the bed and start to walk to the kitchen. He started to cook the breakfast and he make sure to be as careful as he can so that way he don't accidentally burn anything. After a while the food is ready and he walked over to the table with the food and sets it down. They sit at the table and he started eating. She looks at him with puppy eyes and says:

-Feed me.

After he sees her face he gets a little bit more nervous and blush a little bit before looking back to the food. He gently take some of it onto the fork and he bring it up to her mouth and gently moved inside her mouth.

-Delicios! she said.

After he heard that, he fell a little bit more confident and he continue to feed her. After a few seconds the food is all gone so he takes the plate away and he placed it to the side. Then pour a cup of juice and he handed to her then he said:

-You sure you don't want any more? Cause I can go get more for you if you want.

-You are official my boyfriend, right?

-Yeah...technically we started last night but since we slept all night and ate breakfast together, I suppose this means it's official now.

-Wow...I'm Suga girlfriend. This is insane. I'm in shock.

-Are you feeling alright? Are you shocked in a good way or do you feel uncomfortable?

-I didn't think you were so easy to conquer.

-Well...I'm a shy person but once someone gets my attention I just start to open up very quickly and very intensely.

-I thought this was impossible...that I could be your girlfriend.

-I thought so too until I met you. This whole time I've been thinking you would reject me...but I'm glad you didn't.

-So...what did you want to do today? Do you want to go out and do something or do you want to just stay in bed?

-Well, I thought that since it's been such a long time since we've met and since we slept together last night, I thought maybe we could stay in bed for a little bit and cuddle and do other activities we can do in bed together.

She seemed sad, she has something on her mind, but still she can't seem to say what she feels. She doesn't know if it's okay to say it or if she should keep it to herself. In the end, she gathers courage and asks:

-And what about your fans?

-What about them? I mean...I love my fans but I've never felt this way about anybody. They were just my fans...but this is different. I actually like you a lot.

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